Chapter 38: Trial

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After the discussion with the Auror, Catalina and Severus turned around to leave. They noticed a fairly big crowd in front of them consisting of Aurors and press. Camera flashes could be seen left and right and it made Catalina wonder who was in the center of attention.

Severus placed a hand on her back, guiding her past them when her eyes caught a glimpse of the figure that was standing in the middle of the chaos.

His puffy and tired eyes raised slowly, locking with hers. She trembled under his intense gaze and her skin got goosebumps. He looked dangerous and terrifying, thing that made her hug her daughter tighter for protection.

She recognized him. It was Draco's father who was sent to Azkaban for being a Death Eater. The years spent there really got to him, she thought. He wanted to say something to her, anything. All the voices around him faded and he felt pulled by her beauty. She was just as beautiful as he remembered. A bit more mature and her hair was longer, but she was the same Catalina.

Her face and the very memory of her was the only thing that kept him sane during all these years of torture. She was always present in his dreams but he always woke up alone and scared. Often times, he found himself tracing his skin with his own fingers on the exact places where her fingers touched him. It was like she was imprinted on his skin.

His eyes moved to the tiny human that Catalina was holding in her arms. She was sound asleep and her curls were a mess. His chest clenched at the thought that the little girl could be her daughter. He reconsidered and wondered it it wasn't a mistake to obliviate her and ask Severus to take care of her and her memories.

Severus looked at Lucius, catching his eyes for a split second and subtly motioning towards Catalina.

When they exited the Ministry, they almost bumped into Draco on the stairs, who was hurrying to get inside.

"Draco, hey." Catalina said.

He was out of breath. "Hey, Lina."

"What's the hurry?" She asked concerned.

"They are doing a second trial for Voldemort's followers that were sent to Azkaban. My father's trial will start soon." He explained to the both of them. Severus seemed unfazed.

"What for?" Catalina crocked her head to the side, worriedly.

"My mother asked for a second trial for him. The family members are entitled to ask for it if they consider an injustice was done or found new evidence in the case." He explained. "My father was under Imperio when he followed Voldemort so I think the decision was unfairly made." A chill ran down Catalina's spine when she remembered his face.

"Wouldn't have he said something if it was like that?" She asked, curiously.

"For some reason, he doesn't seem like he wants to leave that place." Draco said in disgust. "Maybe he still feels guilty for something."

"I'm sure that he will want to get out now." Severus spoke for the first time, his eyes moving to Catalina for a split second, then back to Draco.

"I hope so." He checked his wristwatch. "It starts in five minutes, it was nice to see you again." He smiled at his best friend and at his former Professor and hurried up the stairs before the trial began.

Catalina and Severus apparated at their home in Spinner's End and walked into the living room. Lucille murmured something then woke up and rubbed her eyes lazily. "Are we home?" She asked, yawning.

"Yes, my love." Catalina placed her down, on her feet.

"Can I go to sleep?" She asked, innocently.

"This is something new. Lucille wanting to sleep at noon." Catalina raised an eyebrow and chuckled. "Sure, my dear."

"Daddy, will you read me a story?" She turned towards Severus, looking up at him with her adorable, blue eyes.

"Of course I will."

They all went upstairs and Catalina went to their bedroom while Severus took Lucille in her own room and lifted her up on the bed. He pulled the blanket over her and seated himself on a chair, next to it.

"So, once upon a time, there was a Princess. She was loved by everyone in the Kingdom because she was brave, beautiful and strong..."

Lucille cuddled with her teddy bear while closing her eyes and listening to her father's voice. "But even if so many brave men courted her, she fell in love with the Dark Prince." He brushed several strands of hair from her face. "Everybody was against it, her parents, her friends, but she loved him and he loved her to the moon and back and no matter what anyone told them, they could never break them apart." He sat more comfortably in the chair. "He would have given his life for her. To him, she was everything. And slowly, he found himself wanting to change. Because of her." He watched as her breathing became regular. "And one day, they had a little girl, a princess. But it was too late for the Dark Prince. Everyone knew the bad things he has done so the people of the Kingdom, banished him. Condemning him to never see his princesses."

Lucille's eyes opened. "It doesn't have a happy ending?" She asked, curiously.

"I don't know yet. No one does." He replied sincerely.

"I hope they do." Lucille said, tiredly.

Severus got up and kissed her forehead. "Now go to sleep."

"I love you daddy." She whispered, to which Severus nodded. His heart clenched at her words.

He slowly closed the door and went to his and Catalina's bedroom. He found her analyzing a ring that she was holding between her two fingers, looking at it with her eyebrows knitted in confusion. "I don't remember from where I have this one." She turned to Severus.

"Maybe one of your parents?" He said, trying to close the subject.

"You are right." She smiled and put it back in her jewelry box that she placed on the nightstand. She then turned around, facing Severus and cupping his cheeks in her hands. She had to get on her toes to be able to reach him.

She pressed her lips to his and pulled him to the bed until she fell back and he fell on top of her.


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