Chapter 44: Expecto Patronum

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Catalina started dancing to the beat, moving her arms in the air and wiggling her hips. The twins joined her on each side, making sure that all three of them copied each other's moves. "That's it, George, work it." She laughed at her friend who tried to twerk.

"No, no, you'd do better." He approached her.

"Oh, no. I'm not doing that." She raised her hands in defence while laughing.

The energetic song changed to one that anyone who knew anything about muggles would recognize it. The incoherent words of "Macarena" started playing inside the manor.

"Come, Arthur, you know this song." Molly pulled her husband by his wrist towards the dance floor. He groaned but started dancing, remembering the exact moves. Catalina, the twins, Ginny, Bill, Fleur, Harry and Hermione joined them. They all formed a line, dancing in sync.

Catalina felt so good in such a long time. It seemed like all her problems and worries seemed to fade and maybe that's what she needed. Although her friends didn't know about what tormented her at the moment, she was happy to have them close.

When the song came to an end, everyone started clapping. Catalina pushed several strands of hair off her face. "Huh, that was awesome. I need to drink something."

She walked to the long table full of drinks and food. She poured herself some red sweet wine in a crystal glass and started sipping. It tasted delicious, it had touches of orange and cinnamon. The rich surely rubbed on Harry.

To both her sides, the twins came and stuffed their mouth with food, trying to compete with each other to see who can fit more shrimps without throwing up or swallowing the food. "Mm... e... ght." Fred tried to speak and brag to his brother.

George took another shrimp and raised his fingers, showing his brother the number nine.

"Gross, guys." Catalina scrunched her nose in disgust.

After they swallowed everything, they also poured themselves some fire whiskey so the food won't be stuck in their throat. "Hey, Lina, we've got an idea if you feel adventurous. For the sake of the old days." George raised the glass.

"I'm afraid to ask but... what?" The girl turned to him while eating an oyster.

"How about me and Fred pick a muggle song that you won't know of and you have to dance on it in front of everyone. Then you can do the same to us." He suggested sheepishly. She wanted so badly to tell them that it was a bad idea, but she remembered that tonight she had to live and forget about all her problems for a bit.

"I feel like I will regret this but... sure." She laughed enthusiastically.

"This will be interesting." Fred grinned.

"Ok, ok, go to the middle of the dining hall and wait for it." George pushed her lightly. She rolled her eyes and laughed.

In the middle were several people dancing, but most of them were chatting and drinking. She felt anxious thinking about the song they will pick, it will surely be something to embarass her, she thought.

Suddenly, the bass dropped. "I said, certified freak, seven days a week..."

"Come oooonnnn." She shouted towards the twins who started to laugh hysterically. "No way I'm doing this." She folded her arms to her chest and pouted like a child.

"You have to. Otherwise, we'll use imperio and it will be even more embarassing." George threatened while laughing.

"I knew this was a bad idea!" She threw her hands in the air dramatically. Everyone looked around the room confused at the lyrics of the song.

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