Chapter 9: Somnium

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Three weeks have passed since the Quidditch Match and the attack of the Death Eaters. Catalina was still shook by the events that took place. But the worst was Harry. He kept having dreams about Voldemort and they got more realistic each time. He thought that Voldemort was recruiting an army.

It wasn't long until the suspicion reached Dumbledore's ears. However, there wasn't much that he could do considering that the Ministry was hesitant in believing such nonsense. When they will believe it, it would be too late, Catalina thought.

Just last week, Harry had a vision of Arthur Weasley being attacked and it turned out to be true. Harry being stubborn, saved Arthur's life and the Weasleys couldn't be more grateful. Catalina felt anxious. Everything was a mess and no one was safe anymore.

As for Draco, he seemed even more off lately. It's like he was physically there, but mentally, somewhere else. He was acting strange with no reason. Maybe it was the stress and anxiety because of Voldemort who was closer. She hasn't spoken to him ever since they argued. She just watched him in the distance but Catalina still cared about him, so she had to find out what was up.

"I am tired of this stupid school. Hmpf, Hogwarts... I wouldn't even want to finish the year." He complained to Pansy as they passed through the crowded hallway.

"Don't say that." She scolded him.

"Yeah, you will see..." he started walking faster. On his way towards the DADA class, he bumped into Catalina.

"You filthy-" he started but stopped mid sentence when he noticed who was the person in front of him. "Catalina, I'm sorry." He mumbled.

Catalina placed both her hands on her hips. "Oh well, this is new. Draco Malfoy saying he is sorry." She laughed.

"Don't mention it. How have you been?" He asked concerned, analysing her from head to toes.

"I've been good. A bit moody for missing my best friend but good." She sighed, looking Draco in the eyes.

"I didn't mean to hurt your feelings." He mumbled, avoiding her gaze. "I just... I just can't tell you everything now." He tried to make her understand.

"I hope you haven't gotten yourself in trouble, Draco. You are like a brother to me and I'd hate if something happened to you." She said, not moving her eyes from his sorrowful face.

" I didn't, 'Lina. See you after classes, to catch up?" He asked hopeful.

Catalina joyfully nodded before turning the corner to head for her class, herbology.

In her hurry, she almost bumped into someone.

"Careful, miss Fawley." Snape looked down at her, unfazed.

"I'm so sorry. Good morning, Professor Snape." She said sweetly. He just nodded and continued to walk down the hallway.

When she was about to turn another corner, the trio came running from behind her. "Catalina!" Harry shouted. "We need your help, it's about Sirius, the Death Eaters got to him."

"What?" Catalina asked confused.

"Harry had another vision." Hermione explained. "We have to go to the Ministry and help him." She was more agitated than ever.

From behind them came Cho, Neville, Ginny and Luna. "We will help too." Luna spoke.

"I'm sorry, but I can't put this many people in danger." Harry told the group that joined.

"No, wait, they are right, Harry. We need everyone we can get if we have to deal with the Death Eaters, as you say. You know what happened the last time when we faced them." Catalina tried to convince the boy to let them join as well.

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