Chapter 48: All about her

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Catalina's eyes widened at the two words she never thought she would hear from him. "What?" She wanted to make sure that her ears didn't fool her.

"Marry me!" He repeated this time, smiling. "I know I should have done this properly, with a ring, but Inn no promise you that I will buy you any ring you want as soon as I can."

"Shut up, you idiot!" Catalina grabbed his cheek and pulled him into a passionate kiss. "Yes, absolutely yes. I don't need a ring for that." She smiled at him, feeling butterflies dancing in her belly.

"You will receive the most beautiful one, regardless." He stroked her cheek gently, making her giggle. "You deserve everything in the world."

For a while, both Catalina and Lucius laid down with their legs intertwined, being covered only by a thin, white sheet. She rested her head on his chest while drawing imaginary circles on his skin. His arm was wrapped around her and he found himself staring down at her, not being able to believe that she was, indeed, in his arms.

Catalina's fingers traveled to his arm and over the dark mark that started to fade. Instinctively, he pulled his arm back and under the sheet to hide it from her but she grabbed it and pulled it back. "Don't worry, I'm not scared of it anymore." She smiled up at him, looking into his concerned eyes.

"It's still a reminder of how I fucked up and put you in danger." He spoke softly.

She cuddled closer to his side, inhaling his scent. "But I am here now and I'm not going anywhere." Her face was buried in the crook of his neck.

He sighed. "Do you actually love Severus?" He asked, being unsure if he wanted to hear the answer or not.

Catalina knitted her eyebrows. "Yes, I guess I do. He was- still is my husband but I have a different kind of love towards him. Like, I don't want to hurt him, I want to be there for him but I also love you." It was hard for her to explain how she felt towards the both of them. The two of them were the fathers of her child: one biologically and one who shaped her into who she is today. Little Lucille shared a strong bond with the both of them.

"I can tell he loves you too. A lot." He stroked her hair.

"How?" She raised her head curiously.

"Because he wants you to be happy. I think that's the best proof." He kissed her forehead.

Catalina sighed. "I just feel like I hurt him a lot. But I can't live without you either."

"We can manage something, my love." Lucius smiled down at her. "But now, we have a daughter to attend." He threw the sheet aside, making her shiver for a second and get goosebumps. He grabbed his wand and tapped her shoulder lightly twice. In an instant, his fiancée was fully dressed.

He did the same with himself and offered her his hand. Catalina happily jumped off the bed and started walking downstairs hand in hand with him.

They found their daughter in the foyer, trying to style Tilly's dress. Catalina's head turned towards Lucius, letting out a giggle. "Darling?" Her mother called her.

"Mommy! Where have you been?"  She run to Catalina and jumped in her arms. The woman giggled and lifted her daughter. Lucius took a hesitant step towards them and stopped right next to Lucille, carefully placing a hand on her back. He felt like he couldn't process the fact that he had such a beautiful daughter with the love of his life and to be honest, he was extremly anxious.

"Me and daddy were busy." She chuckled. "Remember when you said you wanted a sibling?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Eww, you were kissing? Gross." Catalina threw her head back and laughed at her daughter's innocence.

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