Chapter 22: Promise

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Snape entered Dumbledore's office, followed by Catalina. She hung her head low to hide the smudged make up that strained her face. Her small figure hid behind the tall man as he approached Dumbledore.

The old Headmaster raised his eyes from the parchment he was writing. "Yes, Severus?" He looked at the professor above his glasses.

"There was an event taking place in the dungeons. A few other students seem to bother miss Fawley." He spoke, stepping aside and revealing the sobbing figure behind him.

Dumbledore's eyes moved on her. "Oh, yes, miss Fawley. I wanted to have a word with you." He remembered.

Catalina's head snapped up with interest. Dumbledore got up from his chair and circled the desk until he was in front of her. His hands were behind his back and he gave her a thoughtful look. "I've read the Daily Prophet." He confessed. "I must admit, it's not something I expected from you." He shook his head disapprovingly.

Severus looked like he wanted to say something but he kept quiet.

Catalina's eyes widened in shock.

"You do know already that such behavior is not permitted in our school, right?" Dumbledore started pacing around the room while being followed by two pairs of eyes. "Although it probably didn't happen on school grounds, we have strict rules regarding keeping our school's reputation, and your affair with Mr. Malfoy drew a lot of negative attention. Especially for the fact that he works for the Ministry and is the father of one of our students." He finished his speech, stopping in front of her.

"Albus, we are here because she was humiliated by other students about this matter. Shouldn't we take actions against that?" Severus asked impatiently.

"Of course, Severus. Bullying is not permitted either and I will take action. But while she is still here, miss Fawley should know that we have to take action when it comes to her behavior too." He explained patiently.

Severus felt like losing his temper. Once again, Hogwarts treated bullying lightly and cared more about blaming the victim. It happened when he was a student and it still happens. Such injustices shouldn't happen in a school, he thought.

"So what do you suggest?" Severus narrowed his eyes at the Headmaster.

"I think Catalina should take a pause from Hogwarts until we take a permanent decision." He said finally, turning his back to both of them. Catalina's lower lip started to tremble in fear.

"But... my O.W.L.s." Her voice was weak and barely audible. Failing school was the last thing she needed. She already had enough problems, to not mention that if her parents found out about both Lucius and Hogwarts, she will be kicked out. Her parents were conservative and they couldn't stand their child being less than that. She had to follow a moral ground in order to please them.

"You can take the exams next year." Dumbledore spoke with his back still turned to them. Catalina's hands balled into fists and she was shaking with fear like a schizophrenic. She knew that Lucius would be the end of her, but she didn't think it would be that bad. How will she work without exams? How she will be able to sustain herself? She definitely couldn't count on her parents and neither on her best friend.

"Albus, I think your decision is biased." Severus spoke this time.

"And it's final." Dumbledore said, returning to his desk. "Now if you'll excuse me..."

Neither Severus or Catalina said anything. They left the office without a word. Severus watched how Catalina's small figure disappeared down the hallway without addressing him another word. She was too weak and tired to say anything else and in her mind replayed different scenarios on how her life will go on from now. Neither was pleasant.


It's been two days since she was temporarily expelled. Lucius heard about it from Draco, the whole school knew about it so he tried to contact her. He sent several letters but all of them ended burned and unopened in the fireplace. Her mother wrote her as well. She and her father were extremely angry with her and wanted her to return home as soon as possible. But she couldn't do that. She knew that hell will break loose as soon as she steps foot in that house.

As respected as her family was, it was just as fucked. Her sister get spoiled constantly while she was neglected for the most part. They put on her the burden of being the mature one that takes good decision so the news that she stepped wrong, weren't welcomed. This is why she chose to stay at her deceased aunt's property, in the middle of nowhere. She had a few neighbors but that was it. It was peace and silence and she understood why her aunt loved this place until her last day.

Catalina cleaned the small house and made it her home. It was small, but cozy. Downstairs she had a couch, a loveseat, in front of them was a small, wooden table and a fireplace. The small living room was directly connected to the small hallway which led to the kitchen and a set of stairs. Upstairs were two bedrooms and a bathroom. She enjoyed it. The way the vines climbed the stony house and rested on the windows, gave her a feeling of security.

Just as she was finished to prepare a few healing potions, just in case, the doorbell rang. She wondered who could be at 9 pm. Maybe a neighbor needed something.

She hurried to open the door as the person behind it won't resist too much in the cold.

When she opened it, the tall figure of Lucius towered over her. He looked down at her tear strained face, worriedly. She cried day and night with small pauses. Her life was ruined and she had no control over it. She lost family, friends, everything.

Catalina gasped and tried to close the door but his foot stopped her. He pushed the door open once again, making Catalina lose her balance but fortunately, he caught her arm and kept her steady.

"How did you-" she didn't get to finish her sentence because he smashed his lips against hers in a longing kiss. Her hands fumbled with his robes as she desperately tried to push him away. "Lucius, stop." She pulled back forcefully from him. "What is wrong with you?" She cried.

Lucius felt hurt at her words. "Come with me, Catalina." He extended his hand. Her eyes fell upon it but they returned quickly to his mesmerizing eyes that she adored so much.

Catalina shook her head. "Please, just leave me alone." She pleaded. She took several steps back while holding her hair and shaking her head. The girl was almost on the brink of insanity.

"You can't live here, Catalina. Let me help you." He tried to take a step forward but she took another one backwards.

"Just stop, Lucius, stop. I ruined everything by being with you. I had a good life and now..." she motioned at the house around her. " I have nothing."

"You have me." He said softly.

"Until when, Lucius? Until you get bored of me? Until you prove that you can get anything you want?" She sobbed, barely keeping her eyes open. Her eyelashes felt heavy with all the tears.

Lucius clenched his jaw tightly. "You know that won't happen." He said through gritted teeth.

"How could I?" She screamed, exasperate.

Lucius took out from his pocket a small box. "I've got you a promise ring. I know I'm still married to Narcissa and I'm not even sure that I want another marriage ever again but I'm serious about you, Catalina."

He took the small rose gold ring with a small sapphire on it. He grabbed her small hand and placed the ring on her middle finger. "You can come to me, for anything, always." He kissed her knuckles while looking into her eyes.

Catalina gasped at his gesture but smiled nonetheless.

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