Chapter 6: Quidditch match

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After Catalina and Draco returned to Hogwarts, she went straight to her dorm, without addressing Draco another word. Sure, she felt bad for being rude but all this ordeal about Lucius bothered her and Draco only reminded her of his father.

She took a parchment and a feather and started writing a letter to her parents. Catalina missed them dearly and it bothered her that they didn't get to spend some more time together. They were barely home even during the summer and so she spent her summer mostly alone. This is why she was so attached to the muggle world. She like going there, people seemed more friendly and more willing to help each other. She learned thorough the years that most witches and wizards were arrogant and all for themselves, pretty much like the Malfoys.

"Mum, dad, I hope everything goes well at the Ministry and I hope that your journeys are safe. My situation at Hogwarts is good. I got higher grades lately and started practicing spells on my own. Although, I'm not allowed to practice some of them, I try to do it outside the school grounds. I want to know a bit of everything and be prepared for anything.

I miss you both dearly and I really hope that we will get to spend a weekend together before the year ends. The Malfoys were kind enough to let me stay at their Manor sometimes but I do not really feel comfortable there.

Anyway, I hope you are both well and take care of yourselves because our school is in full alert. I can't wait to be home for summer.

Catalina x"

The young witch summoned her owl and tied the parchment to it's leg. She pet it's head, letting the owl rub her head on her own, against her hand. She chuckled.

"Now get this to my parents." She said smiling.

The owl flew off and she was left alone once again, with her thoughts.


The dinner went smoothly in the great hall. The Slytherins were chit chatting about the upcoming Quidditch World Coup and who would win. The bets were shouted amongst them, each one being confident that whoever they bet on, would win.

"So Catalina, who do you think will win?" Blaise pushed her shoulder lightly, drawing her attention.

"Hm? I don't know. I've never been to a Quidditch match."

"No way!" A sixth year Slytherin gasped. "The Quidditch is the sensation right now. You don't know if you'll like it until you try." She encouraged Catalina.

Catalina smiled awkwardly. "Isn't it this week? I don't think I will find tickets. Must be sold out." She said, being kind of disappointed. Now that it was mentioned, she really wanted to find out what was this all about. Ever since Harry joined the Quidditch team, everyone seemed ecstatic.

"You wouldn't have gone anyway, it's not all that." Draco tried to seem unbothered. He was seated in front of Catalina at the table. Her head snapped towards him, feeling her temper getting the best out of her.

If anything, Catalina hated being bossed around or told what she would like to do or wouldn't like to do, even if it was by people who knew her better than anyone.

"And what if I want to go, Malfoy?" She snapped angrily.

"You can want something. Doesn't mean you'll get it." Draco shouted, standing up. They drew the attention of several students and professors already.

He glared down, at Catalina with superiority and pure rage in his blue eyes. His eyebrows were knitted and his palms were balled into fists by his side, so much that they got anyone around them worried.

"Why are you being a prick right now? Why is that so bad that I want to do something out of the ordinary?" She shouted at him, getting up from her seat, as well. They were throwing daggers at each other through their looks.

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