Chapter 36: Dark magic

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Catalina opened her eyes lazily, feeling like her eyelashes weighted several kilos. She whined in pain as she tried to move her limbs. It was like she was thrown off a mountain and her whole body gave up.

Her brain slowly started to recall the things that happened recently. She pictured a dagger going into her heart, her loud gasp of surprise, her whole body collapsing on the cold ground. Then an exasperated voice calling her name.

Her eyes adjusted to the strong light that fell upon her face, making her groan. She heard someone moving around and she could also feel the presence.

"Catalina?" She heard a baritone voice coming closer to her. A weight settled on the edge of the bed she was laying on. The beeping of the medical equipment gave away her location quickly. She was in a hospital.

The ceiling was white, making her narrow her eyes. It physically hurt even to open her eyes.

She slowly moved her head to the side, trying to see through her eyelashes, who was the shadow seated on her bed. She noticed someone dressed only in black.

The young witch forced her eyes to open even more, adjusting them to the light. It was Professor Snape.

Her throat felt dry and sand paper like. She tried to speak but no word came out. Severus noticed her discomfort and helped her up by her underarms and handed her the glass of water that was resting on the nightstand.

The girl gulped all at once and looked at him, feeling tired. "You are alive." She gave him a weak smile.

"I am, miss Fawley. Thanks to your help." He forced a smile.

Catalina furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "But how aren't you on trail? I mean, you are..." she avoided saying it as it only brought her sorrow and pain.

"There are a few things you don't know of and I'm willing to clear them up for you when you will regain your strength." He cleared his throat and avoided her eyes, feeling somehow guilty for the fact that he was a spy in a circle of dangerous people that almost killed her.

As if a bulb was lit in her brain, she became even more confused. She touched the area around her neck but the necklace was missing. "Where is my...?"

Avoiding her gaze, Severus answered "Your necklace made of the soul stone was crushed during the battle. I'm sorry."

"Then how did I... survive..." she became more and more confused by the minute. Nothing made sense. If the stone was crushed and it had no purpose anymore, how did she survive a knife in her heart? How was she still breathing?

Severus' hand found hers and squeezed it lightly. "Lucius... Lucius saved you."

Her eyes widened in panic at the mention of his name. "Wh-what? How?" She looked into his eyes with curiosity. Her whole body started to tremble as dark scenarios invaded her mind. Scenarios of what actually went down when she fell.

"You should rest." He tried to change the subject.

She tugged at his cloak angrily. "No, tell me. I have the right to know."

"Ever since he heard that the Dark Lord came back, he started working on a spell. He worried about Draco so it all came with the ambition of saving his son." Snape explained.

"What spell?" Catalina pressed.

Severus cleared his throat again. "A spell where you give your life to save another. Like an exchange. It drains all you power and magic and gives it to the person that it's casted upon." He finished, avoiding her gaze.

Catalina was in shock. She had her mouth wide open while her brain tried to process all the new information. Tears gathered in her eyes until her vision became blurry. Her lower lip started ro tremble in fear and anticipation while soft sobs escaped her lips. The tears started flowing on her already pale face. Her breathing quickened and she felt a panic attack approaching.

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