Chapter 46: Two Dads

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When the morning arrived, Catalina was woken by the birds flying around and singing cheerfully like they didn't have the tiniest care in the world. The sun was warm and the rays fell on her neck and exposed arms.

She felt a strong arm wrapped around her while her head rested on a chest. The breathing of Lucius was calm, sign that he was still asleep. As cold as the previous night was, she found herself getting warm under the fur blanket and in Lucius' arms. It really made her think how she wouldn't need anything else. Besides her daughter.

Her legs were intertwined with Lucius' and she rubbed her cold feet on his warm skin, making him mumble. He lazily opened his eyes, being blinded by the sun. Using his arm, he pulled her closer and kissed her forehead to make sure it wasn't all just a mere dream. Catalina chuckled. "Good morning!"

"Good morning, beautiful." He drew imaginary circles on the soft skin of her back, using the tips of his fingers.

"Do you think that people wonder where we disappeared?" She giggled, hiding her face in the crock on his neck, shyly.

"I think they may have an idea." He smirked down at her. His fingers moved to her hair. "I don't want to leave this place and this moment with you." He said sadly.

Catalina's face fell. "I have to go back to Spinner's End." She caressed his chest. "I have to go to..." her voice faded.

Lucius sighed. "Your daughter, I know." He pulled her up and pressed his lips gently on hers. "I may sound selfish, but I don't regret this. I don't mean to break your family but I need you, Catalina, more than anything." He looked into her eyes.

She looked up at him with her eyes glimmering. "When I couldn't remember you, I always felt like a part of myself was missing. Like I couldn't even recognize myself." She moved her hand to his cheek, caressing it. "I want to be with you, I want to feel complete but I can't." Her face became sad.

Lucius pulled her tighter to him.

"The decision isn't entirely mine, I have to talk to my daughter, to Lucille. Even if she is young, her feelings matter too." She sighed.

"Lucille is her name?" Lucius smiled sadly. "It's a beautiful name." Hearing him talk like that made Catalina wanting to shout and tell him she's his daughter. But she couldn't. She needed to talk to her first and take it easy. It would be a shock for her to find out that her biological father isn't Severus. However, regardless of how she will take the news, she will never take the 'father' title from Severus. He was her father as much as Lucius.

Catalina got up from her spot, leaving Lucius cold. He watched her naked figure in the sunlight, looking like a goddess with her hair messy. He watched her bend down and picking the dress. He watched her wiggling her pretty butt so she can squeeze into the dress, wondering if he would ever get the chance again to hold her to his body like that: naked and vulnerable.

"Catalina, take my wand. You can get there easier this way." He offered.

"What about you? You need that wand." She turned to him, seeing if he was serious.

"I need you to be safe more than I need that wand." He smiled at her. She nodded.

"I love you." She gave him her most sincere smile.

"I love you too." He told her before she took off.

Once she was off the property, she apparated in front of Severus' house. The girl inhaled deeply and arranged her hair before she stepped into the cozy house that smelled like pancakes. There, in the kitchen, was Severus placing a full plate of pancakes, honey and butter in front of Lucille who was waiting impatiently with the knife in one hand and the fork in the other. Catalina folded her arms to her chest and leaned on the doorframe, enjoying the happy view.

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