Chapter 51: The Malfoys

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"Mom, what if I can't make friends at Hogwarts?" Lucille asked, sadly while waiting for the train to take her towards the first year of school.

Catalina bent down to be eye level with her daughter, although her huge belly was a massive discomfort. "Lucille, you're a good child despite of everything that went down in this family a long time ago. So head up. You will make a lot of friends, I'm sure of it." She stroked her cheek gently.

"I will come at Hogwarts soon, we can practice spells together, don't be sad." Her little sister, Persephone, tried to cheer her up.

Lucius ruffled her hair. "If they give you a hard time, just Sectumsempra them."

"Lucius!" Catalina looked up at her husband threateningly. Both Lucius and Lucille started to laugh.

"Don't listen to your father, if something happens, then go to your father Severus, alright?" She asked concerned, trying to make sure that she won't take Lucius' words to heart.

"I promise, mommy." She hugged Catalina. Lucille then bent forward and kissed her mother's belly. "See you soon, baby brother."

"Lucille!" Calistra, who was Narcissa's and Y/N's daughter waved. "Hurry, we have to get good seats before the ones in the second year." She shouted while Narcissa tried to sush her and Y/N kept laughing.

"As if you will get good seats at all." Albus Potter ran past them, being followed by his twin.

"Uhh, hey, grandfather." He stopped in his tracks in front of Lucius who looked down at them with his arms crossed to his chest and a stern look on his face. "We were just messing with her." Albus let out an awkward laugh. He was lightly punched by his brother Remus who apologized in his behalf.

"You better behave around my little princess or else..." they jumped and ran away from his furious glare, making him laugh.

"Oh, in Merlin's name, terrorizing children is your new hobby?" Catalina went by his side and scolded him.

"Well, I would do anything for my princesses." He grabbed her cheeks gently and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Eww!" Persephone covered her eyes.

"One child to Hogwarts, oh well, more time for us." Lucius whispered, teasing her and being fully aware of her hormones that sky rocketed during this pregnancy. She blushed deeply.

"Hm, it just seems like you want to be selfish and have me only for yourself, Mr. Malfoy." Catalina said in a low, seductive tone, drawing circles on his clothed chest, and being fully aware of what effect she had on him.

"We should get a babysitter." he pulled her to him and brushed his lips against hers. "I want to take you out for dinner tonight." he caught her lower lip between his teeth, pulling it gently.

"That sounds like a plan, anything else in mind?" she chuckled.

"So many things in mind, but I'd rather be patient until this little one is born." he placed his big palm on her belly. "Way more possibilities after that." he said, suggestively. 

"I can't wait." she whispered.

Harry, Draco, Narcissa and Y/N joined the couple and waved to the kids that departed towards Hogwarts to their new beginning.


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