Chapter 37: Nightmares

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*4 years later*

Catalina sat in front of the mirror with her make up scattered on the table. Her vanity corner was a mess, just like every morning. She slowly brushed her hair with a hair brush while humming a slow tune that she heard in the muggle world not long ago.

It was Sunday so she wouldn't have to apparate at Hogwarts today to teach Potions. However, she still had a lot of tests to mark as the O.W.L.s were close and she needed to see if her students are fully prepared.

Since she took the position as Potions professors, the students were happy to attend the course and they weren't even afraid to ask for help when they needed it. It was really an improvement for anyone who took that class, much to the dislike of the Headmaster who was known of being really severe back in his time.

Her little time alone was disturbed by the door that was busted open, startling her and making her turn around in panic.

"Mommy, I turned miss Hera into a chipmunk." The little girl cried.

"Lucille Fawley, put your father's wand down right now!" She said sternly, getting up from her chair and running towards her daughter. She snatched the black wand from her and carefully placed it down.

"Now what did I tell you about magic?" She bent down to be eye level with her, raising a questioning eyebrow.

"No magic until I go to school." She pouted innocently with her blue eyes glimmering.

"That's right. And that wand is too powerful for you, sweetheart. Your father will be pissed when he returns and finds out." She scolded her three, almost four years old.

"I'm sorry, mommy." She hugged Catalina.

"Now we have to turn the cat back until your father arrives." She grabbed the wand.

After Catalina took care of the cat, she went downstairs to pour herself a mug of coffee. Lucille was upstairs, playing with her dollhouse, while her mom tried to calm down her headache. The headaches started four years ago. She gets them regularly for some reason and the meds didn't help her much. Sometimes they are even accompanied by nightmares or dreams.

She recalled a nightmare where there was blood around her and she was screaming. She felt a strong hand holding hers and desperately calling her name. And the feeling of losing her child. Her eyebrows knitted in confusion.

Another time, she had a happy dream. It was about a man whose face was concealed by shadows. He held a cane with one hand and with the other he pulled her into his embrace. His cologne seemed oddly familiar but she didn't know how. And when she started feeling comfortable in his arms, he faded away.

The steam was rising from her mug but she was too deep in her thoughts, completely forgetting about it. Her eyes stared outside the window, nowhere in particular. The rain fell on the windows, blurring her vision towards the small garden. Why was it always raining here?

The front door opened and inside stepped a tall man, having several droplets of water falling on his black cloak.

She went into the hallway, smiling at him. "Severus, hello."

"Catalina." He acknowledged her.

Her relationship with him was strange, she thought. She did care about him a lot but it was like that type of deep feeling was somehow blocked. She knew he loved her dearly and she felt horrible for not sharing the same feeling. If it wouldn't be for their daughter, they surely wouldn't be together. Catalina laughed internally at how stupid her younger self was for getting pregnant from a hook up. But she loved Lucille dearly and didn't regret anything.

She unclasped his cloak from around his shoulders. "I'm sorry, I got lost in my thoughts and haven't prepared breakfast."  She chuckled nervously.

"The headaches again?" He asked, worriedly.

Catalina sighed. "Yes." she turned around and went to the living room, throwing herself on the couch and sighing. "I took the medicine you left me, but whenever I have this horrific nightmare, the headaches seem to return." she waved her hands in the air.

Severus sat on his knees, in front of the couch and placed his hand on her forehead to check her temperature. "We can try to mix sleeping draught with the medicine. The nightmares should stop that way." he mumbled. "But you should eat." he left the living room and went into the kitchen, grabbing eggs, mushrooms, cheese and sausages. 

"No, Sev. You should sleep, you must be tired." she went behind him, hugging the man from behind and kissing his clothed shoulder.

He grabbed her hand from around his waist and kissed her knuckles. "I don't mind. I know you don't feel well and I want to help you." he whispered.

"You're the best husband." she grinned.

Lucille came down the stairs running while holding her beige teddy bear that she received as a gift for her birthday from Draco. "Daddy!"

"Lucille, I told you no running." Catalina turned around, scolding the mini version of herself.

Severus chuckled, "It's alright, dear." he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Daddy has been missing you too, princess." he caught his daughter from her underarms and lifted her up, placing her on his hip. "Do you want to help me to make mommy breakfast?"

"Yes." she grinned up at him. "I know mommy is hurting, I want to make her smile."

"Maybe that chocolate we brought from Honeydukes three days ago will cheer her up." he whispered, making little Lucille nod. She jumped off his arms and ran back upstairs to search through her little bags the treat she wanted to give her mom.

"I love you two." Catalina chuckled.


After the three of them finished eating dinner at the restaurant and paid the galleons to the waitress, the family decided to take a walk. It was a tradition of them to go out for dinner at least once per week. 

Lucille held both of her parents hand while walking and jumping occasionally with a big smile on her face. Her light brown curls shinned in the sunset light, making her hair seem blonde. 

"Aunt Lina!" Two boys beamed when their eyes laid upon her. The three years old were both held in their father's arms.

A scowl appeared on Severus' face as his eyes laid upon his former students. "The Potter family." He concluded.

Catalina smiled at Draco, Harry, and their two twin sons. "Hello there, you two." She waved at the little ones.

"Catalina, I haven't seen you in decades." Draco placed a hand on her back while his other arm held one of his sons.

"Well, yes, I was busy with the tests but I was meant to ask you two to visit us after that. I really miss spending time with these two little ones." She gently tickled one of the twins.

"They kept asking about you and Lucille as well." Harry smiled at her. "They won't shut up until I negotiate with them a full bowl of sweets from the Weasleys." He rolled his eyes, subtly scolding his sons.

"Heartwarming." Severus rolled his eyes.

After they caught up and scheduled a visit of the Potters in Spinner's End, the two families said their goodbyes and parted ways. Catalina giggled, suddenly feeling that this was a good day.

"I have to stop by the Ministry for a few minutes. Care to join me?" He offered.

"Sure we will." She looked at her daughter. Catalina bent down and picked her up in her arms as she noticed the little one was sleepy after devouring that ice cream. A tiny hand went to the back of Catalina's neck, holding her mommy close to her.

They entered the Ministry and passed the great hall, reaching a long hallway. Both Catalina and Severus were caught in a discussion with one of the Aurors.

Behind them, from a room, exited several Aurors which were the best, escorting a handcuffed man who was dressed in the plain clothes that the prisoners of Azkaban were given. He slowly raised his head towards his right, noticing from behind, a familiar figure with brownish hair and slender body. She was holding a toddler that cuddled at her side.


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