Chapter 19: Butterbeer

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After the Yule was over, Catalina said her goodbyes to the Weasleys and decided to leave. The stores should be open in Hogsmeade already so she decided to go and buy several herbs to prepare her skin care routine. It would be easier if she just bought muggle stuff, she thought, but there was a certain satisfaction about preparing your own moisturizers.

She entered the Apothecary and her eyes scanned the shelves with different ingredients. She remembered how her skin was extra sensitive and the tiniest amount of dirt would give her acne so there is where she should start. Her eyes landed on the ingredient she was looking for, but the shelf was too high to reach.

The short girl raised herself on her tip toes and stretched her hand to reach the tiny bottle. "Come on." The tips of her fingers nearly touched it but she felt her own weight dragging her back down. The girl puffed in annoyance. When she was about to reach her wand, a tall figure from behind her grabbed the bottle.

She turned around, angrily, ready to make a scene but the words got stuck on her tongue when she saw who was in front of her. Her face turned a deep shade of red but it was too late to hide it. He raised an eyebrow as he held the tiny bottle in front of her. "Professor..." her voice came out like a whisper.

"I presume you were reaching for this." He handed her the bottle. She swallowed the lump in her throat and took it with shaky fingers.

"Thank you." She found the confidence to say. Before she knew it, she stormed past him, to the counter and outside the shop.

Catalina placed a hand on her chest to calm down her breathing. Come on, Catalina, you can't run like this forever. In two days you have classes with him.

She shook her head and tried to get rid of the thoughts. She passed by the Three Broomsticks and decided to go in and order a butterbeer. After all, she didn't have anything important to do right now. She took her butterbeer and tasted the sweet flavour. It reminded her so much of her third years when she and the twins snuck butterbeer in Hogwarts. Sweet times.

Suddenly, a shadow towered over her. She raised her head only to be met by a pair of deep blue eyes. They stared down at her with an emotion she couldn't quite pin point. Catalina wiped her mouth from butterbeer and gave him a half smile. "Mr. Malf- Lucius." She corrected herself.

He looked around at the small local, making a face of disgust. "Catalina." His eyes turned back to her, acknowledging. "Care to join me for a walk?" He offered his hand. Embarrassed, Catalina looked around to see if anyone would see this but to her surprise, no one did. The locals had worse problems on their hands than gossiping about the richest wizard in the country.

She took his hand and grabbed the bags with her gifts from the Weasleys and went outside. He held her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. She could not get over how attractive it was that her hand got lost in his. She bit her lip, trying to stop a squeal.

He led her through the crowded streets, not saying a word and not minding people that glared at them. Ok, maybe I was wrong. Maybe they do care to gossip. A few whispers could be heard, including the name "Malfoy". He looked straight ahead, not caring one bit. Catalina felt so ashamed that she hugged his whole arm, holding it in front of her for protection as they both walked.

"Lucius." She spoke faintly right before he pulled her suddenly in a sheltered area, between two buildings. He slammed her against the wall and pressed his lips to her hungrily. She moaned into the kiss, pulling him closer by his hair. His hands roamed on her clothed body, making him groan in frustration.

He pulled back, letting Catalina breath. She panted heavily.

"I missed you." He confessed making Catalina's eyes widen so much that she thought they will pop out of their sockets. She felt butterflies dancing in her belly and a familiar heat hitting her core. "Those days spent with the family were frustrating. I could only think about how you look under me."

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