Chapter 45: Midnight garden

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"Alright, alright, everyone back to what you were doing!" Draco announced the guests. They all began to form their groups once again, chat and drink. The music came back on, playing something slower.

Harry and Draco took the intruder and dragged him to the cellar without anyone noticing.

Catalina kept looking into Lucius' eyes without knowing what to say. How do you start a conversation with the father of your daughter that you haven't seen in years? How do you tell him that you remember him and you miss him? She thought about how he had no right to take her memories, no right to play with her mind and it enraged her just thinking about it. But at the same time, seeing him vulnerable, wanting to die and saying he has nothing else to live for, broke her heart. And it made her realize that no matter how upset she was, she still needed him by her side.

"Mr. Malfoy, can we talk somewhere privately?" She tried to not give away anything. Her eyes scanned the crowded room, then landed back to him.

"Of course, Mrs. Prince. Follow me." He turned around and walked towards the exit. She followed him outside, inhaling the refreshing air of the night. The moonlight fell on her pale face, making it shimmer. He couldn't hold himself from letting his eyes linger on her perfect features that seemed goddess like.

They walked side by side slowly, going nowhere in particular. Lucius took the direction towards the maze he had in his garden made of tall bushes. You could get lost in it and he remembered how he used to hide there from Abraxas when he was a child.

The silence was neither awkward or painful, it was relaxing, giving both of them the opportunity to ponder over what they had to say. Lucius noticed how Catalina was still short compared to him, even if she wore heels and he found this particular aspect, adorable. He wondered what she wanted to talk about, perhaps the potion for his wounds, although he wanted it to be more than that.

Oh, how much he wished to be able to hold her, kiss her, touch her. His whole being craved her and even the smallest touch could revive his half dead body. But she was someone else's. By his foolishness he pushed her in someone else's arms and now he wanted noting more than to beat himself up for such a mistake. And the very thought that someone else kissed her, touched her, felt her entirely and gave her a child made him want to die. It would be easier than seeing her and not being able to have her.

A shiver ran down Catalina's spine, making her tremble. She hugged herself and rubbed her arms with her palms, creating friction and heat. Lucius noticed her discomfort and discarded of his black coat, putting it around her shoulders, letting it fall on her back.

She looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you."

As they reached the outskirts of the maze, sitting in the bench. "It's a lovely night." She admired the landscape.

"Yes, it is." He said, not taking his eyes off of her.

"I wish I had a garden like this." She smiled. "I could never imagine getting bored if I did."

"It's not all that if you are alone." He said, moving his eyes to the ground.

"Can we take a walk? Will you show me the maze?" She turned to him, smiling.

"Of course." He got up and offered his hand which she gladly accepted. He could felt how her small hand fit in his, how soft her skin was and how nice it felt. He held it for several more seconds before letting it go, clearing his throat. Get a grip Lucius, she will think you are weird.

As they walked and turned, they got lost in the maze.

Catalina gathered her courage and with a lot of anxiety still, she let out what tormented her. "Lucius, I remember."

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