Chapter 43: Harry, the Minister

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It's been two weeks since Catalina regained her memory. She contemplated upon how her life really was like and how everything took a complete turn just because of one simple spell: obliviate. The realization that everything she has is because of that, hit her hard. She had a family with Severus because of that, because Lucius chose to step aside. And then, she inevitably fell in love with him even though his only purpose was to protect her memories.

Although she had feelings for Severus, they weren't this intense like her feelings for Lucius. He was her soulmate and the man who risked his life when it came to Voldemort to save her. He also gave her a child that she loved dearly. Even though she knew Lucius wasn't a good a father and probably didn't want any more kids after Draco, his desperation in the moment they thought they lost their daughter, convinced her that perhaps he would have loved the kid.

But the situation was too complicated now. Lucille loved Severus, he was the first one to hold her after she was born and she remembered how easly she stopped crying in his arms even though he had no clue what to do. If only she wasn't obliviated, he wouldn't have put any of them in this complicated situation.

She found it hard to forgive Lucius.

Lucille was currently sleeping with her head on Catalina's lap, in the living room, on the couch. She stroked her daughter's hair gently, wondering how could she tell her the truth. She was four and although she was smart, it was hard for a kid to comprehend this situation.

"It's seven PM, do you want me to take her upstairs so you can get ready for the Ball?" Severus came into the room, holding a glass of fire whiskey.

Catalina sighed. "I don't know if I want to go." She answered truthfully. "I don't know if I can go and see him."

"I think you need to at least talk things through." Severus offered his input.

"Can't you come with me?" She looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

"I have to watch Lucille. Everyone will be there, we can't find someone who will stay with her so shortly." He tried to find an excuse. Truth be told, he didn't really want to be there to see them together.

"Alright." She said in a faint voice.

Severus picked up little Lucille, making her stir in her sleep. She mumbled incoherently before resting her head on his shoulder.

Catalina went upstairs to her room and changed quickly. She opted for a deep red dress that was strapless and was made of velvet. It had a long slit on the right side up to the middle of her thigh. She arranged her hair in a bun, letting several strands of hair fall around her face. As for make up, she opted for mascara, eyeliner and red lipstick. She had to make a good impression at a Ball where the highest Ministy members came.

When she was ready, the girl analyzed herself in the mirror. She loved getting all dolled up but it was also tiring so she did it rarely. The dress was the dress that she wore at her wedding. It brought back so many memories that turned out to be a lie.

The girl exited the room and bumped into Severus who was just closing the door to their daughter's room. "You can go and sleep in the bedroom tonight. Knowing Harry, the Ball will last til the morning." She smiled at him kindly. Ever since she had her memories back, Severus felt too guilty to sleep in the same bed as her so he slept on the couch every night. He absolutely refused to exchange places with Catalina everytime she offered.

"You look beautiful, by the way." He smiled, making her blush.

"Thank you." He just nodded and headed for what was their bedroom.

When she reached the Malfoy manor door, she inhaled deeply, preparing herself mentally. The lights were on and the sound of violin already filled the silence even outside. She turned around and looked at how peaceful the garden was in the moonlight. It really reminded her of the first time she came here and met him, nothing was changed.

After gathering her courage, she pushed the heavy door open, revealing a lot of people scattered around the house that were chatting and holding glasses of different drinks. The women had flawless dresses and makeups, making Catalina feel so simple and ordinary. The men also wore suits. Everyone was so elegant and cheery, it made Catalina smile.

As she took the steps, she was greeted by the twins who both came to her, smiling.

"Lina!" They both said in unison. "Wow, you look delightful." Fred complimented her.

"Please, don't steal the spotlight from Harry." George joked. She laughed lightly. The girl missed her friends dearly as her family and work took all of her free time.

"Where are your partners?" She asked, looking around.

"Aurora felt nauseous from the pregnancy so Ophelia stayed home with her. They both rushed us out the door quickly." Fred said, remembering his fiancee that was one month away from giving birth.

"But where is the Potions master?" George asked, laughing. "Not that I think he would be the one to party." He mocked.

"Hey, he can enjoy a party if he wants." Catalina defended him, chuckling. "He is home, with Lucille."

George patted Fred's back. "See? This is being a parent. It sucks all the fun. Good luck, buddy." He laughed at his own brother, making him groan in annoyance.

Catalina noticed Harry speaking to a group of gentlemen with Draco by his side. "Excuse me, guys, I'll go and congrate Harry. See you soon?" She squeezed past them.

"Save us a dance!" George shouted after her.

"Harry!" She approached the group in the dining hall with a wide smile on her face. Everyone turned their attention to her, several of the men almost drooling at the sight of her.

"Catalina, you came!" Harry extended his arms, wrapping them around her. She chuckled in his embrance.

"Of course I came, silly." She looked up into his green eyes. "I wouldn't miss the chance to congrulate one of the best people I know." She pulled away.

"Thank you, Lina. I'm really happy you are here." He smiled.

"Now that the soul of the party is here, we can really get it started, no?" Draco laughed and flicked his wand. A loud music started with a low but energetic beat. It was muggle music. Catalina started laughing because she never imagined Draco listening to this kind of music, let alone bring it into the Malfoy manor.

Everybody started dancing to the beat. "No way you did this." She laughed.

"I tried to convince him to pick something else but he wants to get on everybody's good side by any means and bringing muggle music reinforces his struggles on muggle born- pureblood equality that he tries to achieve." Draco shouted over the music, explaining.

"Sneaky but clever." Catalina laughed.

"Stop gossiping about me and start dancing, you bores." Harry shouted at them over the music, making both of them laugh.

In the corner of the hall, a man watched Catalina with a sad expression on his face while holding his glass of fire whiskey and being ready to drown in alcohol to make the pain and the urge of kissing her go away.

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