Chapter 33: Make it out alive

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Catalina got dressed in Hermione's clothes. She borrowed a sweater and a pair of jeans in which was almost impossible to move. Hermione also helped her clean herself. She used a warm wet cloth to wash all the blood from her face and her legs. Even though she still didn't feel clean, that was the last important thing right now.

Harry entered the room, looking at Hermione. "Ron is looking or you." She nodded and went downstairs, where her boyfriend was.

Harry closed the door slowly behind him and approached Catalina unsure if he should tell her this information. He avoided her gaze for several seconds, debating.

"What is it?" Catalina asked curiously.

"I saw something in your mind when you were... well... you know..."

"What did you see?" She asked skeptically.

"I didn't mean to, I still don't have full control over my legilimens. But... Snape is the Headmaster of Hogwarts now. He killed Dumbledore. I thought you should know what you are going against there." Harry moved his eyes to the floor, being embarrassed not only by what he saw, but also about the fact that he felt like he violated her privacy.

Catalina just nodded in understanding, her face hardening. "I have nothing else to lose, Harry." She said bitterly.

Voldemort stopped in front of Lucius, making the Malfoy gulp in fear. Sweat dripped on his face as he awaited for the punishment.

"That was careless of you, Lucius. Breeding with a mudblood is the first thing we should not do." He looked down at his servant. "I'm glad we got rid of that pest before it took it's first breath." He walked away, stopping next to Bellatrix.

Lucius closed his fist so tightly in anger that he felt his nails digging into the skin of his palm.

"Bellatrix, you were the only loyal one so far. Why don't you take care of our most valuable servant over here?" He suggested. Bellatrix just grinned at the thought.

With a flick of her wand, she wrapped a thick, rusty chain against Lucius' neck, pulling him backwards, making him fall on his back. His hands went to his throat, trying to loosen the grip while his lungs felt like they were squeezed.


The group of five managed to sneak successfully into Hogwarts with the help of Dumbledore's brother. Everyone looked at them happily and started cheering. They surrounded them with glowing smiles. The first to rush to Catalina and hug her was Pansy. She buried her face into her shoulder and cried silently "The Headmaster said that Voldemort has you."

Catalina pulled away gently and gave her a small smile. "He did. But I'm here thanks to Draco." She turned slightly and smiled to her friend who stood behind the group, feeling excluded and guilty to a limit.

"We are here because we need to find a Horcrux." Harry announced to everyone, drawing their attention. After he explained the plan, the five of them decided to split. Catalina and Draco decided to go and search the Headmaster's office as all the students were called in the Great Hall.

They failed to find anything that would remotely look like a Horcrux, making Catalina sigh in defeat.

"Hey, don't worry. We will make him pay for what he did to your child." Draco said with sympathy in his voice, placing a hand on her shoulder and offering her a much needed comfort.

Catalina nodded and wiped her tears. "We should go to the Great Hall." She said with confidence.

"Are you mad?" Draco rushed after her. "Snape is there. And who knows what other Death Eaters."

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