Chapter 28: Bleeding

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Catalina opened the door for her sister and let her in. The younger Fawley hugged her tightly and buried her face in her hair, letting her tears fall on her sister's shirt. Catalina wrapped her own arms around her 15 years old sister.

"I've missed you so much, Lina." She sobbed. "I haven't seen you in one year, why haven't you come home?"

Catalina's jaw tightened. "I would rather not get into that subject. We both know that me and our father don't get along too well." She confessed.

"He only wants what's best for you, Lina." Her sister pulled back and looked into her eyes. "I'm sorry but I helped him find you." Arya looked guilty, moving her eyes to the ground.

Catalina felt like she was fuming. "What?" She slapped her hands away from her arms, looking angrily at the only person she thought she could trust. Apparently, she was wrong.

"Lina, he told me about who you've been involved with. Please, Lina, Malfoy is a dangerous man. You don't know how many people at the Ministry have solid proof that he is a-"

"Arya, stop, just stop." Catalina shouted. Her jaw clenched again in anger and she balled her fists. "Neither you, father or anyone at the Ministry know the real Lucius. You just don't. You are not the one who spent the days with him, you are not the one to whom he showed his softer side." She puffed. "Does he have flaws? Definitely. But we all do. And I do believe that he wants to be different." She concluded.

Arya shook her head. "He really has you wrapped around his finger, doesn't he?" She crossed her arms to her chest, shaking her head.

"You just don't know... I need to go back to him." Catalina exhaled, being tired.

"Why?" Arya pressed. "If the war is about to come, you are not safe with him."

Catalina puffed. "I'm safer with him than with our dad." She avoided her gaze. "Besides, I need to tell him something..." Catalina said in a lower voice, avoiding her sister's gaze. "Please, Arya, I need your help to retrieve my wand so I can return to the wizarding world." She looked up at her sister with pleading eyes. Arya just nodded slowly, knowing that if she doesn't help her, Catalina would do something stupid.


It's been two days since Catalina arrived at her home. The home that now she despised because of the currents situation. She barely slept. She always kept stirring in her bed, this being followed by trips to the bathroom and throwing up the little food she managed to eat. It was a horrible situation and her father insisted for her to go to the hospital... but not for a check up.

As she paced around the room, she made up a plan to retrieve her wand. Arya was willing to help her in the most dramatic way that she knew. Their father always was more worried about the younger daughter and she knew how to play it well.

Their mother was more understanding on the situation but they couldn't rely on her help. She never wanted to take sides and making her choose would be unfair. She was just glad that she got to see Catalina after this long and that she was alright.

Now that the Ministry was destroyed by Voldemort, Cornelius had nothing better to do than work from home with the help of muggle tech. If the minister would find out, he wouldn't be too happy but it came in handy when all needed to be done fast since the war was approaching.

Cornelius thought that keeping Catalina in the muggle world, away from the wizarding world, would protect her against what was to come. He wouldn't fight either, he was not allowed as the Ministry officials had to be kept safe for when the war is over. They were all be hidden in the muggle world for now. And his daughter would not be used as a weapon either, he would not allow it. Even worse, to have Lucius convince her to be a Death Eater. He knew she was crazy enough to do anything for that man. She was completely manipulated and under his thumb.

"Dad, dad!" Arya screamed from upstairs.

"What?" He answered, taking off his glasses and placing them on the coffee table.

Arya ran downstairs holding her arm on which she had a long cut that kept bleeding. Cornelius jumped from the couch like he was electrocuted and went in front of his daughter, bending down. He took her arm gently, making her hiss in pain.

"How did this happen?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"I went to the attic and when I grabbed a box, the glass shelf broke under the weight." She looked guilty.

"Oh my, Arya. Come." He pulled her gently towards the bathroom that was upstairs, where the first aid kit was stored.

Catalina came from the kitchen, hurrying towards the stairs and looking up to see if they were gone. And they were. She rushed to the coffee table, ruffling the many papers but her wand was nowhere to be found. Then she ran to her parents bedroom, searching through the drawers and between the pillows. Nothing.

She turned around and noticed a wand made of white oak with an owl at it's end. It was placed in the umbrella support. It was her mother's wand. Her mother wanted nothing to do with magic when she lived in the muggle world. Despite of being a pureblood, she just loved to enjoy the simple things that this world had to offer.

Catalina hurried there and grabbed her wand. "Accio wand." She flicked it.

In several seconds, her wand was in her hand. The beautifully carved rose was shattered and she felt her heart clenching at the sight. This was Lucius' gift and it was destroyed. She had a bad feeling about it.

Cornelius entered the room, stopping in his tracks when he saw Catalina holding her wand.

"Catalina, don't." He warned and took a step forward. Catalina pointed her wand at him, threatening. Her face held pure hatred towards the man that was supposed to support her. Cornelius raised his hands in defense. "You will regret going back there Catalina. You will die in the war."

"Better dying with him than being miserable here." She spat.

"If you go, you are no longer our daughter." Cornelius gave her an ultimatum.

Catalina threw her mother's wand on the floor. "So be it." And with that, she apparated.


The young witch blinked a few times, adjusting her vision. She was in the nearby of the Malfoy manor where Lucius should be. Or at least, she hoped he would be home as she couldn't wait to break the news to him.

With a wide grin on her face, she started running towards the house. The violent wind ruffled her hair but she didn't care. She was back, she was back to him. She could already imagine his arms holding her tightly to his chest and his long fingers running down her spine. She could smell his strong cologne and feel his skin on her lips.

Not even the thunder startled her. She was to happy to be back to him.

Catalina opened the heavy door to the house and went through the hallway where her steps echoed. She reached the dinning hall from where voices could be heard. With the grin still on her face, and hoping to not disturb anything, she stepped into the hall. "Luc-"

Her smile faded as soon as they landed on the long table and the figures seated around it.


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