Chapter 50: Happily ever after

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"Is everything ready?" Draco asked the house elves. They nodded happily.

"Good. Now miss Fawley wants you all to go to my old room and get dressed up. Someone is waiting for you there to help with the styling." He instructed the house elves nicely. They gasped upon hearing that the mistress wanted them to be a part of her wedding. They never got the chance to see how a wedding between a witch and a wizard takes place but they should have expected that from Catalina, who was fighting for their rights.

Tilly started spilling tears of happiness which made Draco chuckle.


"Are you ready, dear?" Molly opened the door of Catalina's former room from when she lived at the Malfoy manor. Before everything.

She was turned towards the mirror with her dark green wedding dress flowing around her. Harry was by her side and so was Hermione who was helping her squeeze her overgrown boobs into the dress' corset.

"I'm almost done." She turned her head towards Molly, smiling.

Hermione tied a beautiful bow at the base of Catalina's back and admired her work while wiping her forehead from sweat. "There it is. It looks beautiful." She grinned.

"You look stunning, Catalina!" Harry complimented, looking at her from head to toes. Her hair was up in a bun with a few loose strands of hair. The girl was wearing fake eyelashes, eyeliner, and a deep red lipstick that completed her attire beautifully.

"Are y'all- bloody hell!" Ron stopped in his tracks before stepping foot into the room. He dropped the ice cream cone that he was holding, upon seeing Catalina.

"Ronald Weasley, stop eating everything before the wedding even starts." Hermione argued with him, putting her hands on her hips and tapping her foot on the floor.

"Some things never change." Harry leaned over and whispered to Catalina, making her chuckle.

"I just came to say that you'll probably have to hold my father while he walks you down the isle instead of him holding you. He looks like he is about to faint." Ron said, panicked. "Sometimes I feel like they love you more than they love me." Ron whined.

"Maybe they do." Catalina winked at her friend.


"Daddy, how do I look?" Lucille twirled around, showing him her baby blue dress. Her hair was let loose and arranged neatly by the house elves. Lucius was standing in front of the mirror, buttoning the buttons from his cuffs.

"You look lovely, princess." He smiled down at his daughter.

"Do you think mommy will like it?" She went by his side, looking up at him. He bent down to be eye level with her.

"I'm sure she will like anything on you." He pinched her nose gently.

"I want to see how beautiful she is. I wanna be beautiful like mommy when I grow up." She jumped happily.

"You will be the most beautiful girl in the world." Lucius smiled at the little girl.

"Do beautiful girls get chocolate cake first?" She asked sheepishly.

Lucius laughed at her cuteness. "So it had a greater purpose." He arranged his black blazer. "Hmm, let's see... yes, if their mother allows it." He raised and eyebrow at her. The little girl just pouted, making him chuckle.

Draco opened the door and entered panicked. "We have to go. You have to get there before her." He tried to rush his own father, out of the room.

"Draco..." his eyes softened. "Thank you... for all of this." He didn't know how to find his words towards his own son. Any kind of conversation with him felt awkward ever since Lucius realized how much of a shitty father he was to him. It is hard comprehending that after everything, Draco would be willing to forgive him.

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