Chapter 5: Secrets to keep

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Catalina could hear the muffled voices downstairs but she couldn't understand much. However, there was a particular voice that sent chills down her spine. It sounded dark and aggressive, even more than Lucius'. Who was there and what were they doing here? Is this the meeting that Lucius was talking about?

Catalina didn't know and for the first time, she wasn't too curious to find out.

Instead, she let her body slid down on the floor. She hugged her knees to her chest and waited. Maybe Draco will notice how long it takes her and he will come back after her.

Her wand was still laying on the floor, far away from her. Flashes of Lucius pinning her down to the bed and ravaging her lips came back to her mind. What in Merlin's name made him do that? What if Narcissa walked in? Why doesn't he have any remorse or any ounce of shame? But yet again, he was a Malfoy. He was probably a worse version of Draco, which made her wonder if Draco would turn like that when he will be his age. She hoped not.

Involuntarily, her fingers brushed her lips, still feeling his minty flavor. She could still smell his strong cologne on her clothes.

As much as she tried to convince herself otherwise, the truth is that she is attracted to this powerful and married man. He made her skin tingle and gave her uncontrollable rushes of adrenaline that she wanted to use with him. It was something akin to a magnet pulling her in.

Scrunching her nose, she pushed herself off the floor and searched for a new, plain black t-shirt to wear instead.

This shirt will need to be washed thoroughly, she thought.

She sat back on bed and waited, and waited, and waited...

Minutes turned into hours and finally, she heard the voices fading. They left.

Suddenly, some hurried and heavy steps could be heard, heading for her room. The door was pushed open aggressively, being banged against the wall. A concerned Draco with his hair ruffled was standing in the doorway.

"You are okay." He breathed, slightly calming down.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She asked calmly, wondering what got over him. His eyes displayed genuine concern, something she hasn't seen in her friend before.

"Never mind just..." he ran a hand through his blonde hair. "I got worried when it took you so long to come back."

Catalina raised an eyebrow suspiciously, noticing that Draco was still somehow agitated. She wasn't stupid, something was up and he wasn't telling her what. "And why did it take you so long to notice and come to my rescue?" She pressed.

"Catalina just don't ask me to tell you what I can't..." he sighed, defeated.

"Why, Draco? I thought we could tell anything to each other." She took a step forward, her face softening.

"Yeah, but not this one. It's not my choice in the matter." He sighed, avoiding her hazel eyes that felt like they were burning through him. He felt vulnerable and guilty for lying the only person who cares about him. "I'm sorry that I can't tell you everything, Catalina." He stretched his arms and pulled her to his chest in a warm hug. Draco rested his chin on her head while rubbing her back in a comforting manner.

Catalina was took aback by his sudden reaction. He was never affectionate towards her before and he surely never hugged her before and she never thought this moment will come. The young witch relaxed in his embrace.

"I will keep you safe, always." He assured her.

"Well, well... if it isn't the two love birds." Lucius commented from the door frame with a sarcastic smirk on his face. "Are you okay, miss Fawley?" He faked his concern.

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