Chapter 15: Hogsmeade

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⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING: a fine line between kink and domestic violence. This is fictional so please treat it as such.


The next morning Catalina lazily opened her eyes. It took her a few seconds to adjust her vision and realize that she wasn't in her Slytherin room. Flashbacks of the previous night came on her like a waterfall and she felt herself being embarrassed. The man laying next to her, holding her in a tight embrace was actually Professor Snape. He was sound asleep while his face was buried in her hair. Her whole body was naked but she noticed that he wrapped her in a blanket while he was still dressed like yesterday. She felt all her muscles hurting. Who would have thought that he had stamina for three rounds?

She slowly took his hand off from around her waist and placed it next to him. He mumbled in his sleep and found a more comfortable position but he didn't wake.

Catalina tip toed to her dress and with a flick of her wand, she was dressed and the smudged makeup from her face, cleaned. She took several steps towards the door and hissed in pain. Her lower region hurt like hell and so did her throat but it was totally worth it. Poor Lily, she really missed an endowed man with out worldly skills.

After she snuck outside, she tried to avoid anyone on her way to her room. There weren't many people lurking on the hallways at this early hours, most of them were probably wasted. She let her mind wander on what she could do this vacation. Her parents worked during the Yule for the Ministry as it was the most busy time of the year so she really didn't have many options.

In the front of the common room, she almost bumped into Draco who was also hurrying there.

"Draco? What are you doing here at this hour?" She asked, curiously.

"Me? What do you do here at this hour?" He narrowed his eyes at her.

Catalina covered her mouth in excitement. "No way!"

"What did you expect, Catalina? He was my date." Draco puffed annoyed. He raised an eyebrow at her. "But I assume someone will have high grades in potions?" He joked.

Catalina blushed and avoided his gaze.

"Really, Catalina? I was joking. Ew, this is really disgusting." He scrunched his nose and waved at her dismissively.

"Let's not talk about it!" She urged the boy.

"Agree." He made a gag sound which earned him a light punch from the young witch. "So what are you doing during Yule?" He changed the subject as they entered the common room.

"I don't know, really." She said thoughtfully. "Maybe I'll just hang around Hogwarts."

Draco rolled his eyes dramatically. "Oh, come on, not even that old fart Dumbledore is staying here." Catalina rolled her eyes and laughed. "I know, come over my house. You know you are always welcomed."

"It's alright, Draco. I'll take a trip to Hogsmeade then maybe I will visit a friend so you won't pity me anymore." She pushed his shoulder lightly to which he rolled his eyes.

"But my family decorates this big Yule tree, I mean we all are, in front of the fireplace. It's the only time of the year when we all get along. And besides, I have a gift for you." he smiled. "It's only fair after what you have done for me." 

"That really sounds lovely, Draco, but I wouldn't feel comfortable. It's three days and I don't know if I can fake this relationship for so long." she sighed. "I don't know... your family just seems... it seems like I can't be myself around them, I have to be this proper lady, be presentable and make myself worthy of that name. It's a lot of work." she tried to lie. The truth was, that she tried to distance herself from his father. It was bad enough that he was her best friend's father, now she realized that he was also a coworker of her own father. 

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