Chapter 20: Play nicely

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Catalina opened her eyes lazily, adjusting her vision. She was in the Malfoy manor after she encountered Lucius in Hogsmeade the other day and things got pretty steamy from there. She blushed as flashbacks from the other night flooded her mind but what surprised her the most were his subtle hints of affection like holding her hand in public and telling her that he missed her. It made her believe that perhaps, he wasn't as cold as she thought.

She nuzzled into his neck, inhaling his scent. He answered by pressing her harder to his naked body. It wasn't the first time when they were intimate but it was the first time he seemed relaxed so maybe, just maybe he got comfortable with her too. His fingers played with a few strands of hair at the back of her head.

"Good morning." She raised her head and smiled up at him.

He opened his eyes, smirking. "Indeed it is."

Catalina looked around the room. "So how many bedrooms this house has? We seem to be in a different one each time." She chuckled.

"14. But this is my bedroom." He pointed out, making Catalina all giddy inside that he took her to his actual bedroom.

"And your wife's?" She asked, barely audible.

"No. We have different bedrooms." He kissed the top of her head to erase her worries. She smiled. It were the simple gestures that made her melt.

"So then, no one can hurry us and I can do this..." she smiled wickedly and caressed his chest, her hand going lower, to his abdomen and finally reaching his morning wood. Her fingertips went over the tip slightly, making Lucius take a sharp breath.

Catalina's small hand wrapped around him and started to stroke, using the precum as lube. Lucius groaned in pleasure and pulled her into him, kissing her passionately while she kept stroking him. He sucked her lower lip and bit it harshly. "You are so good with your hands." He murmured.

She kept stroking faster as she felt his cock pulsating in her palm. He groaned loudly into her mouth and with a final stroke, she felt the sticky semen on her hand. Lucius pulled away from the kiss, breathing heavily and smirking at her.

With an innocent look on her face, she brought her fingers up and licked them clean, keeping one finger in her mouth, sucking it and moaning seductively while closing her eyes shut. She opened her eyes, looking at a lustful Lucius watching her closely. "You taste so good, Sir." She smirked at him.

"Good girl." He kissed her on the lips.


After they both got dressed, Catalina helped him clasp his cloak. "You still have one more day until you go back to Hogwarts, right?" Lucius asked.

Catalina nodded. "I think so, yes."

"Hmm, that's nice. I will take you to Hogsmeade later so you can get anything you want or need. But first, I have some Ministry business to take care of." He put his leather gloves on.

Catalina's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "A shopping spree?" She jumped up and down like a happy child.

Lucius turned towards her with a confused look on his face. "A what?"

Catalina laughed.

Lucius looked towards the messy bed and it's sticky sheets. He furrowed his brows. "I will send the elves to change the sheets." He turned around and headed out of the door.

Catalina picked up her wand and with a quick flick, she cleaned the mess and replaced the sheets. She went after Lucius, hoping to catch up with him. "Lucius, don't do that, it would be embarrassing." She laughed loudly.

She stopped in her tracks when she almost bumped into Draco in the hallway. He had an angry expression on his face and he was obviously fuming. He looked at Catalina with disgust and then at his father's bedroom. "So it's true then." He growled angrily, gripping the wand in his hand so tight that his nails dug in the skin of his palm.

Catalina was confused. She gave him a questioning look. "Draco wha-" but before she could finish the sentence, Draco threw the newspaper at her feet. It was The Daily Prophet and on the first page, it was a moving picture of her and Lucius in Hogsmeade walking and holding hands.

Catalina's eyes went wide with shock as she read the title "The richest wizard cheating on his wife with a Hogwarts student?" There was more, the article said something about her being a homewrecker and how the Malfoy family will recover from the destroyed reputation. Her hand flew to her mouth and she gasped in horror. The author of the article was Rita. Of course it was bloody Rita. She just loved to put her nose in everyone's business.

Her eyes moved back to Draco slowly. She raised her hands in defense being absolutely terrified by his burning and hateful stare. His fist was trembling in anger by his side.

"Draco, please, listen to me." Her voice shook in terror as she took a step back.

"From everyone you had to pick him? Why, Catalina, why?" He screamed angrily at her. She gulped and tried to avoid his gaze but it was like he was so angry that his look pulled her back.

"I didn't. It just happened, Draco, you have to believe me." She pleaded. She tried to take a step forward and reach for him, but Draco raised his wand and pointed at her, threatening her.

"Don't you dare come next to me you filthy whore." His voice was low and threatening. Catalina started trembling and she felt a burning sensation in her eyes. She was losing her best friend just because she couldn't pick anyone else over his father. They were both right, she was a whore.

She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Please, lower your wand." She pleaded.

"I should Crucio you. Give me a good reason why I shouldn't." He spat angrily with tears in his eyes.

Suddenly, a hand wrapped against Draco's wrist, lowering his hand with force. "Now now, Draco, play nicely." Lucius spoke calmly. Draco shot his hateful glare towards his father who was standing there, calmly.

"If you wanted to talk, you should have came to me. It's not nice to threaten someone defenseless." Lucius scolded his son.

"You are the one to tell me about that?" He spat hatefully. "Don't worry, like father, like son." He said and stormed off angrily and with tears in his eyes.

Catalina wondered what Draco meant by those words but she was too shaken up to function properly. Lucius hurried to her side and held her by both of her arms to keep her steady while tears were flowing on her face like a waterfall. She felt like chocking.

He pulled her into his robes, burying her head into his chest and letting her get it all out. She gripped his clothes into her firsts, holding onto him for dear life. He was the only person she could trust and he was the only person who could comfort her. His fingers went to her back, drawing soothing imaginary circles to calm her down while his chin rested on top of her head.

She sobbed loudly, being afraid to let go. "It's alright, I am here. The Ministry can wait." He pulled her tighter to his body.

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