Chapter 21: Humiliation

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It's been several hours until Catalina calmed down. Lucius was sitting on his bed, holding her close to his chest while she was being wrapped in a blanket. It might be just her wandering thoughts, but Catalina felt like she was freezing. She cuddled closer to him, burring her nose in the crock of his neck. "I'm so sorry." She whispered weakly with dried tears. She felt another tear falling on her strained cheeks but Lucius wiped it away with his thumb.

"It's not your fault." He looked at her worried. "This family was falling apart before you came into our lives." He tried to reassure her. "Draco is aware of that and he is aware of his mother's affair."

"Yes, but I'm his best friend, I presume the man that Narcissa is dating isn't a friend of his." She chewed her lip in embarrassment.

"A woman. Narcissa is dating a woman." He corrected her, making Catalina sigh. He caressed the exposed skin on her arm and kissed the top of her head.

Catalina shook her head and got on her feet, giving Lucius an awkward smile. She brushed her fingers through her hair, getting rid of the knots. "I should be going back to Hogwarts. I want to clean the room a bit before the classes start." She said sadly.

"Are you sure? Don't you want me to take you to Hogsmeade?" He rubbed her arm to create warmth.

"No, it's fine. I need a bit of space for now, Lucius." She took a step back like she didn't want him to touch her anymore. His hand remained in the air and fell by his side.

"What do you mean, Catalina?" He asked, feeling the fear creeping into his body. For the first time in his life, he was afraid to lose someone. He knew what she meant by those words, but he clung onto the hope that he misunderstood.

She avoided his gaze, feeling her heart breaking. The words were stuck in her throat and she felt the tears coming back. Her body started to tremble again. "Catalina..." Lucius' desperate voice came almost like a plead. He tried to take a step forward, but she raised her hands to stop him.

"I'm sorry..." she whispered before turning on her heels and storming off.

She had to think about Draco, herself, Lucius and what would parents would say. It was obvious that the truth was already out there any anyone could know now about her affair with a Ministry employee who happens to be much older than her and with a son of her age. She was still quite a teenager, still in school, not being allowed to go out of the class and pee without permission, yet she thought that she was mature enough to date someone so old with so much life experience.

Sure, there were her insecurities telling her that she was not enough for someone like him, but it was also an objective truth. Whenever she looked at Narcissa, she saw grace, beauty and elegance, something she would never be able to compare with. And when he will get bored of having sex with her, he will surely see it too and ditch her. But by then, her reputation will already be ruined. 

Draco already thinks she is a slut and indeed, she saw herself the same way. She wasn't the most beautiful, but there was never a shortage of men willing to date her, yet she chose the one who would give her adrenaline, and ruin her life at the same time. 


Three days have passed since she last spoke to Lucius. The time was passing agonizingly slow while it was like she is in a trance. Everything around her seemed to move in slow motion while she was just floating in space. She was zoned out for the most part with her mind blank. If she dared to think about anything, her thoughts would go back to him and she would be miserable again, she would cry again. And she couldn't allow it.

Her chin rested on her hand while her other hand started scribbling down the notes on her parchment. She was zoned out while the professor's voice was barely audible in the background.

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