Chapter 26: Mistakes from the past

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Catalina still felt nauseous ever since this morning. She felt a bit better when she was with Lucius because he made her forget about it. The girl blushed hard as she remembered how her morning started, it was very different from the things he tried with her until now.

The young witch took a seat on her bed but jumped immediately. She hissed in pain. "This is just great." She murmured.

She picked a spell book and searched through it. She got to the medical category having her finger linger on different spells. Going to the hospital for such trivial thing was not an option. She hated hospitals ever since she was little and the doctors kept giving her injections because nothing else would have cured her. Now she had a phobia of syringes and hospitals.

"Hmm, let's see, could be lack of iron. Alright, I'll try this first." She grabbed her wand.


Lucius returned to Catalina from a long and exhausting Death Eaters meeting. He hated the fact that they took place at his house. All he wanted to do was ask Catalina to move in with him so he could have her close all the time. And on top of that, he hated coming to her in this small and filthy muggle-like house. She deserved better than the current life she had, he thought.

His mind wandered to the soon to come war and he couldn't shake the dread within his heart. Catalina had a pure soul and she would never join Voldemort no matter how much she cared about him. And if he would be honest with himself, he didn't want her to taint her soul either. It was what made him love her.

But also, he couldn't leave the Death Eaters either. He was sure that Voldemort would kill both him and Draco if he dared. At least Narcissa was out of this and she was safe, he thought. So he and Catalina had no other choice but to be enemies on the battlefield. He won't hurt her, though. He couldn't hurt her. But if her hurting him will be the thing that will keep her safe, he would give his life for it gladly. It was funny if he thought, the narcissistic, selfish and superficial Lucius Malfoy loving someone so much that he was willing to die for her.

His heart clenched at the anticipation of how she will hate him and remember him with spite but there was nothing he could do. His mistakes from the past made him pay for them.

He stepped into the cozy house and ruffled his hair from all the snow. The spring was almost here but it was still quite snowy here, in the middle of nowhere.

Catalina came from around the corner, smiling brightly and being happy that her lover was back. She threw her hands around his neck and hugged him tightly. "How was your day?"

Oh, how he wished to hear this every evening when he returned home.

"It was... it was good." He cleared his throat, trying to control the emotions in his voice.

"Oh my, the Lucius Malfoy being content with something, that's new." She giggled.

She unclasped his cloak and pulled it from around his shoulders, turning around and heading for the living room. He slapped her ass with the cane, smirking. "I'm as content as I can be when I'm with you." He said playfully.

Catalina threw her head back and laughed. He adored her laugh, he loved to see her happy.

"What do you want me to cook?" She turned with a big smile on her face.

Lucius scrunched his nose at the very thought of his loved one doing muggle things. "Better join me for a shower. Dobby will arrive soon enough to cook something."

"Dobby? You told Dobby to come here?" She asked, titling her head to the side.

"Yes, I hate seeing you doing muggle stuff." He puffed.

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