Chapter 34: Loving you is a losing game

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Catalina walked around Hogwarts, trying to take in all the damage that was done. Everything was so peaceful and quiet now, but she knew it won't last. Voldemort offered Harry a middle way. If he surrenders himself, fewer people will die in their attempts to protect him and right now, Harry debated if he should do it or not. Catalina thought it was futile. It will end in either Harry not surending and attacking them again or Harry surrendering and Voldemort winning. And the muggles would be dead anyway.

The young witch squeezed her burnt and bandaged hand, hissing in pain. The cold breeze ran through her hair. The Quiddich arena was burnt entirely but thankfully, the fire was gone. Only a thick, black smoke raised from it.

She let her long night walk take her wherever. It may be the last time she gets to do it. She knew that if another battle arises, she won't make it out alive. Her body was still weak and using magic only weakened her more.

Her feet took her to the Boathouse that was in the nearby of Hogwarts.

She heard the familiar voice of Voldemort coming from inside. He had company.

Catalina bent down, trying to not be detected.

"... Severus. While you live, the Elder Wand cannot truly be mine. You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus." Catalina's eyes went wide at the cryptic voice of Voldemort.

"But only I can live forever." He said.

"My lord..." was the last thing she heard before a loud thump that moved slightly the glass behind which she his. A dark shadow was finding support on it.

"Nagini... kill." At his words, Catalina covered her mouth, to hold back a scream of fear. She closed her eyes as several bangs were heard along with a snake's hiss.

When the noise subsided, she opened her eyes hesitantly. With tears in her eyes and trembling legs, Catalina got on her feet, finding support on the nearby wall as she walked slowly.

She entered the Boathouse and gasped at the sight in front of her. Severus Snape was laying on the floor, almost lifeless with his eyes half opened. His pupils moved to her figure. She was all too familiar with the pain he must have felt in that very moment. Tears started running down her cheeks as she rushed to his side and lifted his head gently, placing it on her lap. His eyes were fixated on her beautiful features as she sobbed.

Several tears fell on his face. He slowly raise his hand and wiped away a tear.

She wasn't in love with him nor him with her, but to deny the fact that they had a connection, was foolish. She cared about him despite everything and he cared about her. He saw himself through her.

"I'm sorry." She sobbed.

He just looked at her, being too weak to speak. Her strands of hair fell delicately on his face.

"You cannot die." She cried.

"Take it." Was all he said. A single tear fell on his cheek.

Catalina searched through her bag, panicked, picking a small, empty vial. She placed it on his cheek and let the tear fall in it then she sealed it. She clumsily dropped her bag, scattering several other vials. Her eyes landed on a particular one that had a pink color. She remembered stealing it from Snape's storage when she was in the sixth year to use it for a stray cat that she found with her tail broken. It was a regenerating potion that could regenerate even damaged organs if the quantity was right.

Looking down at her belly she wondered... maybe... maybe this vial could help her baby. Maybe it wasn't too late.

Then, her eyes moved back to him, who was watching her intently, his eyes full of pain and what seemed to be hidden secrets. Maybe he wasn't that bad, maybe he regretted being a Death Eater because, why would a Death Eater who is not in love or friends with her would try to return her necklace to keep her safe? Why risk it when Voldemort could find out?

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