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Reese POV

It was so boring I had no one to chill with like I'm just bored. Chris and Royalty left for the trip and I was sad I'm going to miss him. But of course he left me money and I keep telling him I don't want his money but he insists. Since he wants me to spend it I wanted to do to the mall with Nia. Chloe's at her grandmas for he weekend so we're a duo this week.

" It's boring like Chloe isn't here it's like everyone left to go on the trip ". I say.

" Yes I knew I wasn't the only one ". She said.

I was looking at these shoes when I felt someone staring at me. I looked up and saw this group of girls pointing and staring at me.

" Not that ". I say minding my business.

" Boo ". Nia said.

They gave her this nasty ass look and started to walk over here.

" So you must be Chris new hit it and quit it ". She said smiling.

" Um don't know what you're talking about ". I say continuing to look at the shoes.

" He's just going to break your heart and leave you like he never met yo hoe ass ".

" Girl you don't even know me so hop off ". I said rolling my eyes.

" He likes them young I see ". She say.

" Say something about me stop saying he girl damn ". I said laughing.

" Right all you talking about is he this like girl if you really want to talk shit about her say it don't bring his name up ". Nia added.

" Goofy ass ". I say.

Ain't said shit about me it was all about Chris like girl what the fuck. Just wanted to say something for no reason.

" Who the fuck was that ". Nia asked.

" I don't know and don't care ". I say.


Chris POV

This nature shit can kiss my ass I thought we was staying in a damn hotel. Got us fucking sleeping in tints should have stayed my ass home. Eating canned food and drinking water from the river. The internet's bad than we take showers by take water from the river and washing up.

" This some bullshit ". I say.

I'm jealous of Reese ass she ain't come but I'm doing this for Royalty. She was enjoying herself she likes all this wild shit. I'll fuck around and book me a hotel for the week let her ass stay out here.

" Dad were going fishing ". She say smiling.

" For real sounds fun ". I said smiling.

Reese POV

I dropped Nia off and went over to my dads house I wanted to catch up some daddy and daughter time.

" Is there anything new happening ". I asked.

" Rose daughter is back in town ". He said.

" Really ".

Rose is my dad wife and she has three kids before she met my dad. I never met her kids because I never came over and they lived with their dads.

" Yeah she actually moved back ". He said.

" I bet she's excited she gets to see her daughter all the time ".

" Yeah I want you to meet her I think you'll like her ".

" Yeah I'm down with that ".

" How's your mom ". He asked.

" I don't know at this point dad she doesn't care it's taking over her life ". I say.

I miss my mom before my dad leaving us she was the best mom. She took me everywhere we traveled a lot and tried new things but it all ended.

" I'm sorry baby ".

" It's not your fault dad we've tried to help her plenty of times can't help no one who don't want to help themselves ". I say.

" Yeah but I left you alone with her and started a new family ".

" Dad it's fine I have you know ". I said.

" I love you baby ". He said hugging me.

" I love you too dad ".

My little brother Cross came downstairs when he seen me his face lit up. Cross is six and he is my baby I love him so much.

" Reese ".

He ran to me and hugged me I kissed him on the cheek and he just cheesed hard.

" I miss you so much ". I say to him.

" I miss you too ".

" Can we go get pizza ". He asked.

" Of course ". I say.

" Y'all better be home before dinner I don't want the police knocking at me door...again ". My dad said.

" It was only a prank ". Cross said.

" Yeah whatever next time I'm going to tell them to lock y'all asses up ".

" Chill ". I said.

" See you later dad ". We say before leaving.

" Be safe I love y'all ".

I shut the door and we got into the car across got into the front seat and put his seatbelt on.

" Pizza here we come ". I say.

" YES ". He screamed.


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