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Reese POV

My mom dropped me off at school and I was just tired as fuck binge watching Netflix even though I know it would fuck up my day. Lack of sleep makes me so annoyed and irritated.

" Nick said everything went great ". Nia say.

" Did he say anything about Chris ". I asked.

" No he didn't say ". She said.

I just rolled my eyes and went to class. I've been blowing up Chris phone and my dad, they haven't been answering that shit is annoying.


Miss Reese has an attitude today and I wonder why. I hate when she gets like that it affects everyone and we have practice today ooh good luck to us. As I was walking down the hall I saw Char and Royalty. I approached them and they smiled at me.

" Hey ". They said.

" What's up ". I said smiling.

" Ready for practice ". I added.

" Of course not ". Char say smiling.


Reese POV

I said fuck it and skipped practice I didn't have time for that I was sleepy as fuck and just wanted to be alone. I'm already irritated with my dad and Chris so fuck it I'll stay my ass home fuck them. And a nap was well needed. I started to walk home even though I was tired it still felt so much better to be alone and have this little me time to myself ya know. Everyone should take a walk it would be so much better. I noticed a black truck pull up next to me and the window rolled down only to see Chris.

" What's up mama ". He said.

It gave me flashbacks when we first started talking. It felt so good to see him but then again his stupid ass been ignoring my calls.

" Get in ". He said.

" No ". I say continuing walking.

" I wasn't asking ". He said stopping the car. I looked at him for a moment and got in.

Chris POV

I knew Reese felt some type of way because I wasn't answering any of her calls or messages. I wanted her to wonder keep her ass on her toes. Damn I love this girl.

" Why you not at practice ". I asked.

" Wasn't in the mood ". She say.

" How did everything go with my dad ". She asked.

" Stay out of grown folks business baby ". I say.

" Whatever ". She say rolling her eyes.

I looked at her just wanted to kiss her fine ass.


Reese POV

Some how I ended up at Chris house which I wanted to happen but didn't want to say. He closed the door behind him and started talking off his shirt. I sat on the edge of the bed and got on my phone.

" Don't do that like you ain't never been over here before ". He say.

" I'm a little shy ". I joked.

" Hmm ". He say closing the blinds and curtains. I always loved that he has the blackout curtains making it dark during the day. I started to take off my clothes and putting on one of his shirts. I laid my ass in that bed and it felt like heaven. You could smell his sent with the fresh smell of linen. Ugh I fucking love this bed. I felt him get in and pull me close to him. He looked me in my eyes and smiled.

" I love you Reese ". He say holding my face.

It was silent for a moment I didn't know what to say my soul left my body. I love this man but I didn't want to tell him it was too early for it. I never had anyone in my life like him he was sweet and a gentleman. Hearing the rumors about him and his name being defaced were all lies. Chris how can you be this fine and a gentleman. I am in love with this man.

" I love you too Chris ". I say. He smiled at me and kissed me, he pulled me on top of him.


Chris POV

I don't know what the fuck I was thinking man I should I told her earlier because what happened earlier was on some next level shit. It wasn't regular just sex we made love. It put her ass to sleep instantly.

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