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Reese POV

I was at practice I was just so tired and didn't have the motivation to practice at all.

" Can we just chill today". I say to coach.

" Shut up ". She say.

" Always complaining "". She said rolling her eyes.

" My bad ". I say laughing.

" So this week I'm taking a break from coaching and I'm letting Varsity coach and cut practice throughout the week so girls good luck". She said.

" I trust that varsity can make the right decisions ".

" And if you need some redirecting come to them before me ". Coach added.

Royalty POV

Nice varsity is coaching us and making cuts. Reese is coming for my head I can already tell so I'm just going to be my best and leave her alone.

" If I get cut I'm going to ask can I still go ". Char say.

" Yes ". Kayla said.

" I already know I'm getting cut ". I said looking at Reese who was talking to her team.

" Why ". Kayla asked.

" Because she's being a bitch to Reese for no reason ". Char said.

" No ".

" Yes Ro you don't even know why you don't like her she's done nothing wrong to you she's so nice and you just been rude as hell to her ". Char said.

" Not true did you see how to talked to me in front of my dad ". I protested.

" Royalty you need to stop acting like that you're so rude to her in front of your dad and last time I checked she didn't do anything wrong she just defended herself from ya selfish ass ".

" And you act like she is this bad person for dating your dad...remember she's the one that helped you not get kicked off the team for fighting ". She added.

" That doesn't change anything ". I say.

" And why are you so cool with your dad dating Nia ". I asked.

" Because she's so fun to be around and it's like having a big sister and she always have my back since she came in my dads life he's happy ". She said.

I got a little jealous hearing that but I can't get on board with Reese and my dad.


Reese POV

Practice was over and no cuts surprisingly. Chris wanted to pick me saying he can't sleep at night knowing I'm in my own bed. Just extra as hell I swear. But we were waiting on Royalty to come out.

" Can we just stop by my house I need some clothes ". I say.

" Yeah ".

" I keep forgetting my dad is having a dinner party with his wife family ". I say. It's so last minute I have nothing to wear.

" When ". Chris asked.

" Next weekend ". I say.

" Want to come ". I added.

" Of course mama ". He said kissing me.


Chris POV

We pulled up to Reese house and she wanted me to come inside with her. Royalty wanted to stay in the car she's been quiet since she got in the car. I knew something was on her mind. When we walked into her house it was nothing I expected. I notice she never talk about her mom. It was like stuff missing from the house like almost empty.

" Mom ". Reese say.

I followed her in the kitchen and saw Carlotta. She's been missing since I let her ass slide. She owes me money. It was shocking to see that Reese is her daughter. She tried to give me Reese to save her own ass.

" When did you get home ". Reese asked.

When she say me it was like she saw a ghost. She looked different like healthy because she was skinny as hell.

She still didn't say anything she couldn't stop looking at me like I was going to hurt her.

" Um ok mom this is my boyfriend Chris ". Reese say.

" Hello ". I say holding my hand out to her. She just looked at me dumb

" I'll be back ". Reese say going upstairs and leaving me and Carlotta.

" Uh- Um why are you with my daughter ". She whispered.

" Where the fuck have you been ". I asked.

" I've been getting clean ". She says.

If this was another customer that I didn't have any relations to I would I have wiped out this whole house. But I knew Reese needed her mom in her life she never talked about it but I know it was something missing and that was Carlotta. I didn't say anything else I just looked at her.

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