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Chris POV

I haven't talked to Reese in a few days and I miss her ass. I decided to invite Nia over just so I can tell her my side.

" Maybe it was ". Nick said.

" Wait who was it again ". Nia asked.

" This girl I used to mess around with a few years back ". I say.

" Hmm funny because we were at the mall these group of girls started talking about you to her ". Nia said.

" Man they just messy as hell why the fuck was she even with them ". I say.

" Trying to break y'all up ". Nick said.

" Maybe ".

" She just kept blowing my shit up and I wanted to tell her in person that she needed to chill and then she took her clothes off and pushed me on the bed ". I say.

" Yikes ". Nia said.

" Man I swear I would never do anything on purpose to hurt Reese I lov- ". I stopped myself, I was shocked at what I was about to say.


HE WAS ABOUT TO SAY HE LOVES HER. My heart started racing for Reese like I was excited and my heart was beating fast as hell.

" Aw hell nah my nigga in love ". Nick said covering his mouth.

" Chill ". Chris say chuckling.

" We love to see it ". I said.

" Don't tell her I said that ". He say.

" Of course not ".

" Aye Nia how about you come put that pussy on me ". Nick said smile.

" Bye ". I said.

" I'll see y'all later ". I say getting my things.

" Alright be safe ". Chris say.

" You too ".

All the stories I heard about Chris made him seem like a mean ass person and didn't care. But it wasn't that at all.

I left out and went back home. I needed a nap.

Chris POV

Can't believe I really said that but it felt good.

" Damn she bad ". Nick say.

" Remember she goes to your daughter school ". I said.

" I can live with Char having an attitude ". Nick say.

" Yeah right ". I said.

" When you leaving out tonight ". He asked.

" In a few hours ". I say.

I have to fly out to New York tonight for some business I needed to handle.


Reese POV

I was at home on my phone I was just bored when Nia called me.

" Hello ". I say.

" Hey ".

" What are you doing ". She asked.

" Nothing bored as hell ". I say.

" Same just getting home from getting some food ".

" And you didn't bring me any ". I said.

" Nope ".

" Whatever ".

" So have you talked to Chris ". She asked.

" No ". I say getting up.

" Why not ". She said.

" I don't know ".

" Girl talk to him and what are you doing tonight ". She said smacking.

" Girl ". I said laughing.

" What ".

" You smacking ".

" Bye ". She said.

She hung up on me and threw my phone on the bed and went into the bathroom. There was a knock on the door and I went downstairs and my mom wasn't home of course. Why am I not surprised she's never home. When I got to the door and opened it, it was Chris.

" What are you doing here ". I asked.

" Come on ". He said grabbing my arm.

" What no ". I say.

" Reese come on ".

" I need to get my phone ". I say.

" I'll buy you a new one just come on ". He grabbed my arm and we went to his car he put me inside and then he got in.

" Where are you taking me ". I asked.

" Just be quiet ". He say pulling off.


I woke up to the car stopping and Chris opening the door. I took in my surroundings and saw a plane or whatever.

" Come on ".

" Chris where are you taking me ". I asked.

" Just come on Reese ".

He helped me out the car and grabbed my hand.

" Good Evening Mr.Brown we are glad to service you and your guest tonight would like to be accompanied with some champagne ". One man say.

" Yeah thanks Roger ". Chris said.

We got on the plane but it was a jet, bitch a private jet. It was nice the same way I pictured a private jet was this exactly.

I sat down and the seat felt amazing. The door of the jet closed and a flight attendant came out with a glass of champagne.

" Would you like a glass ". She asked.

" Yeah ". I say taking one.

" Thank you ".

" No problem ". She say turning and giving Chris one but he didn't want it. She went to the back and I looked at Chris.

" Just relax ". He say.

He just stared at me and I just looked out the windows still feeling him staring.

Chris POV

I admired her beautiful face it was like she knew she had me wrapped around her finger. I want to give her the world. She sipped her champagne and looked out the window.

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