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Chris POV

I was playing with Reese ass and she threw fucking water on me man. Some cold ass water she thought that shit was funny.

" Please don't ". She begged as I held her upside down above the toilet.

" Nah you thought that shit was funny ". I say. She held on to me tight as hell.

" Chris put me down I'm sorry ".

" You what I can't hear you ". I said putting her closer to the toilet.

" I'M SORRY ". She say yelling. I put her down and she rolled her eyes at me.

We walked back into the room and I sat on the bed and she sat on top of me. I looked at her in her eyes and wanted to tell her how much I love her.

" I've been meaning to talk to you ". She say playing with her hands.

" What's up ". I asked.

" In a few months I'm going away for college ".

" What's going to happen between us ". She added.

Never thought about that and I didn't want to think about it. I like having her around me all the time. Can't hold on to her she needs her own life outside of me.

" Baby we'll talk about this when the time come let's just enjoy each other ". I say.

" Ok ". She say kissing me.


I let Reese sleep because I wanted to talk to Royalty ass been giving her the silent treatment and I know she hate it. I sat my belt on the table and looked at her.

" What's up dad ". She asked.

" So you been sneaking out my house at night with some nigga ". I say. She looked at me like she saw a ghost.

Royalty POV

Ugh my dad wanted to talk to me about something I don't know what. He's been giving me the cold shoulder and I don't like that. Auntie Crystal see it too she sees that he gives more attention to Reese then me. But I kinda wanted to stay on his bad side so he could leave me alone for tonight. Jaylin's coming over and of course I have to let him in through my window. But my dad sat on the other side of the couch and looked at me. He sat his belt on the table and looked at me.

" What's up dad ". I asked.

" So you been sneaking out my house at night with some nigga ". He say.

I literally just died my body was fucking numb how could he know. Reese.

" What no ". I say trying to stay calm as possible.

" Royalty don't fucking lie to me ". He protested.

" And then you sneak him in my house ". He added sitting up.

" Dad I don't know what you're talking about ". I say.

" Give me your phone ". He said holding his hand out.

" No...it's my privacy ". I say gripping my phone.

" Royalty give me the fucking phone now ". He started to get up and he stood in front of me.

" NOW ". He yelled making me jump.

" No ". I say.

" Royalty you have five seconds to give me that fucking phone or I'm beating yo ass ".

" One ".

" Two".

" Three ".

" You think I'm fucking playing ". He said.

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