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Chris POV

I never had a bitch this clueless I swear. She kept blowing my shit up. She's a problem and I'm about to handle it real quick. She wanted to slide to this party so I did. She wanted me to meet her in this room because it's too loud out here.

" Yo what's up ". I asked.

" I just wanted to see you Chris ". She said.

She kept checking her phone like a fucking weirdo.

" What do you want ". I say.

" Damn I can't just want to see you ".

" No I already told you for I don't fuck with you ". I said.

" Now Chris it doesn't have to be like that ". She say taking off her clothes.

" Yo chill what you doing ". I said.

" Let me just help you out ". She say pushing me on the bed.

" Man get the fuck off me ". I said.

When I was about to push her stupid ass off me the door opened. It was her friends but then I saw a familiar face it was Reese.

" Found them ". Lauren said laughing.

" Ugh I have to go ". Reese say leaving.

I pushed Brandy off of me and she flew to the floor.

" Man y'all some messy ass bitches ". I say.

" Hating ass bitches ". I said leaving out.

Reese POV

It was cold outside and I was walking home with tear coming down my face. I thought everything was fine I trusted his words. I'm dumb how did this happen to me. I should have known he's way older than me I can't do anything for him I'm just a kid.


It feels like I've been walking forever I just wanted to lay in my bed and cry. Usually when something happens between a guy I don't care but this shit hurt. As I was turning the corner I notice Chris car pulling up next to me. He rode down the window.

" Reese it's cold out here get in ". He say.

I just ignored him and kept walking.

" Reese you're going to get sick you have no jacket get in this car ". He say.

" Leave me alone ". I say walking faster.

" Let me take you home at least ". He say.

" Chris leave me alone I don't want anything to do with you anymore ". I said.

He stopped his car and got out and grabbed me and put me in the car. I was about to get out when he locked the door. He got back in the car and turned the heat on.

" I know you probably don't believe me but I promise you ain't nothing happen with her I swear to you ". He say.

I just looked out the window, I felt tears coming out and they didn't stop.

Chris POV

Damn never thought seeing her cry would make me feel like this. My blood was boiling because I couldn't prove to her that nothing happened. She probably think I lied about everything.

" Baby stop crying ". I say wiping her eyes.

I knew she didn't want to be around me and I don't want her to be at home alone. I grabbed her phone and called one of her friends.


Why do I have suck a boring life. Nobody to talk to or hang with. I need a boyfriend that what I need someone who's going to give me attention.

" Nia stop bullying your brother ". My mom said.

" Stop snitching ". I say to Amare.

" Stop being a lame ". He said flicking me off.

" Shut up ". I said flicking him off.

My phone started to ring and it was Reese. I haven't heard from her ass all day her little boo must be back in town. I'm going to need for him to hook me up with his little friend he fine as hell.

" About time ". I said.

" Hello ". I heard someone say.

I didn't say anything why is someone else calling me from her phone.

" This is Chris ". They say.

" Oh hey what's up ".

" Can I drop Reese off at ya house ". He asked.

" Yeah of course is everything ok ". I say going to my room.

" She can explain all that to you ". He said.

" Can you send to address to her phone ". He added.

" Yeah ".

" Thanks ".

" No problem ". I say. He hung up the phone.

What the hell they got going on.


Chris dropped of Reese and her eyes were red and puffy.

" Reese you good ". I asked.

She didn't say anything but just laid her head on my lap.

" He chea- I don't know ". She say crying.

" Reese what happened ".

She sat up and told me everything. It sounds like she has some haters. I didn't like that at all.

" What the fuck Reese you really think Chris would do that ". I asked.

" I don't know ". She say.

I have a hard time believing Chris would do that to her. No nigga let a girl come in his home meet his daughter and give her money. Theirs a lot more to this story then that.

" Did you let him explain himself ". I asked.

" No ". She say.

" Reese girl you should have ". I said.

This couldn't be the same Reese a few months ago. This girl wouldn't care about none of this but now she's crying and sad yeah she's in love and she doesn't know it yet.

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