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Reese POV

It kind of felt good sleeping in my bed and being home. I was in the kitchen cooking some breakfast the house was actually clean my mom was even home.

" So when is your next game ". She asked.

" Uh the seasons over for us ". I say getting annoyed at the fact we lost.

" And state ".

" We're practicing for that now ". I say.

My mom was always involved in my cheer life but she had a major step back with drugs and drinking. She was a cheerleader in high school and in college.

" Oh yeah I heard their letting underclassmen tryout ". She said.

" You know how that went ". I say smiling.

" Yes and that's why Darcy asked me to help them out ".

" Really you know you're a legend to us ". I smiled.

" I wouldn't say legend but I would ".

It felt good to see her smile and being her old self. She looked healthy maybe that's why she was gone most of the time.

" So when are you coming ". I asked.

" I'll be teaching all next week ".

" That would be good for you ".

Chris POV

My little sister was coming in town and of course my mom insisted she move in with me. She hasn't been doing good back home and she shipped her ass to me. So I'll be living in this house with two teenagers for the next I don't know how many months.

" I can't wait to see auntie Crystal ". Royalty said.

" Yeah ".

Crystal always gave my mom trouble no matter what and she don't give a fuck. She's twenty and still doesn't have her life together, she acts like a big ass baby.

" Damn ya mom ain't have to ship her ". Nick say laughing.

" She's reckless and don't care about shit ". I said shaking my head.

" It be like that ".

Char and Royalty left out the house and I was just on the my phone.

" Damn ". Nick mumbled.

" What ".

" Nia sent me some exclusives ". He said.

" Man what ". I said shaking my head. I would never let Reese send a nude to me.

" Nah don't hate ".

" Nigga hate, I would never let Reese send me no shit like that I can just see that shit in person ". I say.

" What if she's busy and you needed something ". He asked.

" Her ass gone stop what the fuck she's doing ". I say.

" Damn you got her trained like that ". He said with a grin.

" Nah she just know ". I said.

" Hell nah ".


We just left from picking up Crystal from the airport and she had a little attitude.

" She still treats me like a baby ". She said.

" Maybe if you stop giving her hell ". I say.

" Whatever ".

Reese POV

My mom and I were in her room eating ice cream and watching a movie.

" How's your relationship going ". She asked.

" Good mom he makes me happy ". I said.

" I want you to be happy and I don't want you getting hurt messing around with him ". She says.

" Yeah but I'm scared he might leave me because of his daughter ".

" What does she have to do with y'all relationship ".

" She hates me and she tells him to leave me ". I say.

" Has he done it ".

" No but I can see he's getting frustrated ". I say wiping my mouth.

" Don't jinx it ". She said.

" Ok ".

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