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Reese POV

I was on FaceTime with Chris because I wanted us to all match but he can't find any that he likes.

" At this point pick one ". I said rolling my eyes.

" Don't do that ". He say.

" Man shut the fuck up and chill ". He added.

I hung up in his face and I knew he was about to fly here to see " Am I good ".

" Not you hanging up on dad ". Royalty said smiling.

" He's so indecisive ". I said.

" Now go get ready ". I added.


Chris POV

I hate being hung up on and she gone hang up in my face. I got to the house and it was quiet. I went upstairs and gave Ro her stuff and went into my room. I saw Reese sitting on the bed.

" You good ". I asked.

" Yeah ".

" Come on let's get ready ". I said going to the bathroom and starting the shower.

" If you tryna fuck just say ". She said.

" Hmm come on ". I said.

This attitude she trying to have ain't working out for her. But imma let her try it's the least she can do.

" I'm good I'll go after you ". She said.

" Reese stop playing with me and come on ". I said.

" I'll wait go take your shower ". She said closing the bathroom door.

" Fuck it ". I said.


Royalty POV

We pulled up at Nicks house and we looked so cute in our matching pajamas. But the vibe dad and Reese was giving off wasn't it at all. You could tell they had a lil situation going on.

" We are about to look the cutest ". I say getting out.

" I know ". Reese said smiling.

Reese POV

We got to Nicks house and walked in. Everyone was here and of course were late.

" Look who finally showed up ". Nia said.

" Shut up ".

" It's giving dad and his two daughters ". Chloe say.

" Bye ". I said.

" But it's sister fucking dad ". Q said laughing.

" It's like the step bros fucking step sister shit ". Nick say.

" Ooh they kinky ". Jase said adding his two cents.

" Ha ha ha it's not funny anymore ". I said rolling my eyes.

" Nia it smells amazing ". I added.

" Thanks ".

Chris POV

Reese was on something and I knew she was mad I told her to shut the fuck up. Cry baby ass girl.

" Some bad bitch tried to hit my line ". Rico said laughing.

" Lil ma was pressure ". He added.

" You ain't get ha digits ". Q asked.

" Hell nah I had my daughter with me ".

" Wait nigga you got a daughter ". Nick said laughing.

" Right never bring her around us ". Jase said.

" He's embarrassed of us ". I say.

" No it's her bugging ass mama ".

" Man I told you to fight for full custody ". I said.

" You could really win ".

" I know but I don't want to take her away from her mom ". He said.

" Aye look bring her over this weekend all the girls having a sleep over ". I said.

" Bet ". He said.

I looked up and saw Reese. She looked sexy as hell I knew she was faking this attitude. She ain't have shit to be mad at.


Reese POV

Why is he staring at me making me feel uncomfortable. Nick and Nia are about to make an announcement to everyone and I had a feeling it was something is cooking.

" I bet it's a new member ". I mumbled to Chloe.

" Hopefully ". She said.

" A few months Nick and I made a big decision and we want to tell our closest friends before the word got out ". Nia said smiling.

" I'm proud to say that ". Nick say before Nia added.

" We're building a house ". They say in unison.

" I mean no disrespect the food was amazing but I could have been told this through text ". Q saying.

" Hell yeah ".

" Not that, I was not expecting that ". I thought to myself.

" Um Oh my gosh congrats ". I said hugging them together.

" I know everyone was expecting a bundle of joy but not right now my body looks too good ". Nick said.

" Boy shut up I should be saying that ". Nia said laughing.

" All good Nick you know we having them at the same time ". Chris say dapping Nick.

" Fasho ".

" Our ghetto twins ". Nick added.

" Anyways ". I say changing the subject.

" I'm really excited for you guys ". I said.

" Thank ".

" You better build your dream kitchen ". Chloe said.

" Oo yes girl of course ". Nia said.

" No what he need to do is build an underground bunker ". Rico said smiling.

He had a pretty smile, he just gives me pretty boy vibes. He has caramel skin with curly hair he's a 3B hair type with pretty white teeth.

" Hell yeah with a big ass flat screen ". Nick say smiling.

" Nah that nigga Rico is just into that apocalypse shit ". Chris said.

" What can I say I'm a dork ". Rico said acting like Steve Urkel and making everyone laugh.

" Pretty face but a nerd hm sounds really familiar ". I thought to myself.


Chris was dropping me off at home because I have to work in the morning.

" Um alright I'll see you later ". I said getting out the car.

" Hmm ". He said.

I closed the door and he pulled off fast as hell.

" Ok ". I say to myself.

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