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Reese POV

I got home and I saw my mom in the kitchen. I haven't seen her in about a week or two.

" Where have you been ". I asked.

" Don't question me ". She said.

" I'm going over dads this weekend ". I say ignoring her comment.

" I don't care ". She said walking to her room.

" New life me please ". I say to myself.

Chris POV

I was at home bored as hell, it was late and I was by myself. Royalty's with her mom this weekend so I have the house to myself. I decided to call Reese, she answered.

" Hello ". She say.

" What you doing up ". I asked.

" I can't sleep ".

" Come slide through ". I asked.

" Chris it's late ". She say.

" I don't care ".

".......What will I tell my mom ".

" Tell her you were going over a friends ". I say.

" Ugh Chris ".


I heard a knock on the door and it was Reese. She looked at me and smiled.

" Where's your little girlfriend ". She asked.

" Where's ya boyfriend ". I said.

Reese POV

I was geeked that Chris called me but I didn't want him to see that I was. This man is so fine like everything about him.

He pulled me to him and kissed me and started kissing my neck.

" Why you play me like that ". He asked still kissing my neck.

" I didn't ". I smiled.

We went upstairs to his room and it was clean the smell of his cologne hit my nose.

" I'm about to take a shower ". He said.

" Ok ".

" Get in with me ". I say.

" No ".

" I'm not asking I'm telling you ". He said.

I followed him in the bathroom and he shut the door.


Chris POV

I woke up and I saw Reese was still sleeping. Her fine ass took all of me last night. I had a meeting to attend so I left Reese something that I know she would like.

Reese POV

I heard the door close and I woke up, flashbacks of last night came to me. I looked over and noticed Chris was gone. Then I felt something hard underneath the pillow. I grabbed it and it was two stacks of money with a note.

" I was thinking I treat you, wear something sexy for me " - CB

I smiled at the note and I looked at the money and put it away. I called Chris and he answered.

" What's up I just left ". He say.

" Yeah I heard ". I say.

" You get my gift ". He asked.

" Yes ".

" Good and be ready by nine ". He said before hanging up.

He really just hung up on me. I laid back down and went back to sleep.


Chris POV

When I got home I notice Reese was still sleep. She looked so peaceful, I smiled and took my clothes off and got into the bed. I pulled her on me and she cuddled herself up under. Her light snores made me sleepy.

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