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Reese POV

Fuck what Chris said I'm taking my ass to that party and don't give a fuck. I just want to have fun I deserve all of it. The only thing is I didn't have shit to wear but I didn't want to go shopping so I'll just have to find something cute to wear.

" So Chris letting you go to this party huh ". Nia asked.

" Girl I don't care about his ass right now ". I say fixing my hair.

" Hmm yeah ok ". She said eyeing me.

" Nick doesn't want me to go either but I told him I'll come over after ". She added.

" Cute ". I say.

I walked into my closet and pulled out some shorts and a black top.

" Chris calling you ". Nia say.

" Just let it ring ". I say putting my shorts on.


We left out the house and started heading to the party. Chris was blowing my phone up but I didn't want to answer.

" I just need like three shots and I'll be good ". I say opening the bottle Nia took from her mom.

" Drink responsibly ". Nia say smiling.

Chris POV

At this point I was piss I was blowing up Reese phone and she was letting that shit ring and she kept declining my calls. I told her ass I didn't want her at that fucking party I swear if she went her ass is mine.

" Man chill she probably sleep ". Nick said.

" Nah fuck that she was declining my shit ". I said.

" So you got you a wild one ". Q say laughing.

" I know why she acting like this ".

" I'm sure she's just at home ". Jase say.

Her ass better be just at home or I swear I'm tearing her ass up when I see her.

" Oh shit Chris look ". Nick said laughing.

He showed me his phone and it was insta-story on Nia's page. It was a video of Nia then it showed Reese dancing on some nigga. She had on these short ass shorts on. He was holding onto her and she was shaking her ass on his dick. My blood started boiling I was ready to beat her ass.

" Where the fuck is that party ". I asked.

" I know ". Nick says.


Reese POV

I was having the best time of my life I felt the shots and was just feeling myself. Everything felt so good like it was like I was on an adrenaline. I was dancing on any and everybody just having fun. All that shit with Chris went away I felt different.

" AYE AYE AYE ". Nia yelled smacking my butt.

Then this guy got behind me and I started dancing on him. All of a sudden I heard the music stop. That shit killed the whole mood.

" What the fuck ". I say.

" Oh shit ". I heard Nia say.

I looked at the Dj and saw one of Chris friends then I saw Nick. So that means if Nick is here Chris most definitely is here. Then I felt someone grabbed my arm and it was Chris.

" What are you doing here ". I say getting out of his grip.

" Come on ". He said.

" No ".

" Reese I'm not playing with you ". He say grabbing my arm again.

" Yo if she don't want to leave then leave her alone ". The guy I was dancing on say.

By that time everyone had there attention on us and I hated it.

" Nah nigga back up ". Chris said he grabbed my arm again and started walking out.

" I said she not going nowhere ". The other guy say grabbing my other arm.

When Chris saw that he was holding my other arm he let me go and punched him in the house knocking him out.

" Don't fucking touch my girl ". Chris say.

" Chris what the fuck ". I said.

" Man shut the fuck up and come on ". He said.

He still had a hold on my arm and we walked out the party. I got in the car and Chris got in.

" I told you not to fucking go to that party ". Chris said pulling off.

" I can do whatever the fuck I want ". I said.

" Nah not with me if I tell yo ass something I fucking mean it ". He say. His stupid ass started driving fast as hell for no reason.

" I don't have to take orders from you what the fuck ". I say.

" But if I say something then you fucking do it ".

" Shut up talking to me don't you have a baby on the way ". I said.

" Shut the fuck up talking to me with that bull shit ". He say.

" Why because it's true,  you probably did fuck her ". I said rolling my eyes.

" Reese shut up ".


We pulled up at his house and I didn't get out the car because I'm not going in with him. Fuck him.

" Stop acting like a fucking baby and come on ". He said.

" No ". I said. He picked me and took me out the car and went inside the house.

" Put me the fuck down ". I said.

He took me upstairs to his room and slammed the door behind him.

" Told yo ass not to fucking go to that party ".

" Then yo ass dancing on some nigga ". He added.

" I should go find his ass and kill him ". He say. Now his ass just talking shit for nothing.

" Chris shut up ". I said.

Chris POV

I threw her ass on the bed and she just looked at me like I was dumb.

" I should go find his ass and kill him ". I said.

" Chris shut up ". She say.

" What if I let some bitch dance on me ".

" Ugh Chris okay ". She sighed.

I took her clothes off and shoes. She got under the covers and went to sleep.

" Drunk ass ". I say turning off the lights.

I got in bed and I felt Reese get closer to me.

" I love you ". I whispered in her ear.

" I love you too ". She mumbled.


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