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Reese POV

So today Nick and Nia are having a pool party and I wasn't up for it. Plus I'm super late because I was debating on should I go. But fuck it I guess I'll go only for a few hours.

" Cheer up ". My mom say.

" But I don't want to go ". I said.

" So what be there for Nia ".

" Yeah I guess ".

Chris POV

I'm sitting down chilling at Nicks pool party it was chill but I didn't see who I wanted to see. I've been missing Reese since all that shit that went down. I wanted to give her space but it's taking forever.

" It's hot as hell in this bitch ". Q said.

" Hell yeah ".

" Nick girl got him doing shit he ain't never did before ". Jase said laughing.

We looked and saw Nick stupid ass tanning with Nia.

" Damn ". I said laughing.

I saw Crystal and Royalty finally here. I haven't talked to my sister yet but she know I'm mad at her and she's been out of my way at home. Royalty I'm not really talking to her either I just need to address some shit with them.


Reese POV

I was finally here I had to make some stops before coming. I walked into the back yard and hella people were staring like I wasn't supposed to be here. Boo what the fuck. I saw Nia and went over to her and still felt like all eyes on me.

" Finally where have you been ". She asked.

" Had other stuff to do ". I say.

I sat my bag down on the side and sat down in the lawn chairs.

" Well I'm glad you're here ". She say smiling.

" Yeah ".

As I was looking around I saw Chris and our eyes met. I've been telling myself I don't miss him at all but I can't help it I miss him to the point I've been having dreams about him. Yeah crazy but it's whatever with him.

" Get in ". Nia say.

She got in the water and I started to take off my shorts and shirt. It felt like I was getting naked in front of everyone. When I got in the water that shit was cold.

" Damn ". I mumbled.

" You never got in water before ". Nick said.

" Shut the hell up ". I said.

" I mean I would be scared for my first time bath ". He say.

" Nick don't get ya ass beat in front of ya girl ". I said.

" I'll beat yo ass ".

" You'll have to get through me first ". Nia say.

" Man shut up ". He said rolling his eyes.

" Hope they get stuck ". I smiled bucking at his scary ass who jumped.

" Calm down I'm not gone hit you...pussy ". I added laughed.

" Chill ". I said laughing.

I saw Chris get in the water and came over towards us.

" Man get ya girl she wilding ". Nick say.

Chris looked at me and licked his lips and smiled showing his teeth. Just fine as fuck I swear it's something about him that makes me crazy as hell. He signaled them to move away and they did leaving just us two. At this point it was awkward as hell he just stared at me.

" So why you telling people our business ". He say.

" What ". I say playing dumb I knew exactly what he was talking about.

" Don't play with me Reese ". He said with a serious tone.

" I'm not ". I say playing with the water and stopping myself from smiling.

" Bet you wanna act like that ". He say biting his bottom lip.

" Keep that same energy ". He added

I didn't say anything because I couldn't do anything. Am I in love with him or am I in love with the feeling.


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