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I get married tomorrow and I'm so fucking excited. I wanted my bachelorette party to be just calming and just chilling with my girls. It was the day I was just super excited and I had butterflies knowing that I'm marrying the love of my life. Never thought I'll be here. I honestly came a long way.

" And she's finally getting married ". Chloe say.

" Yes ". I said.

Reese POV

Tomorrow is finally the day has come I get to see my best friend be happy. It's been a long time coming not going to lie I'm just happy she's happy. You can tell she's super excited she hasn't stopped smiling since.

" Don't forget she's the only one who hasn't had a failed relationship ". I say.

" Hell yeah ".

I saw Lori eyeing me like she hated me but it was like a hurt in her.

" Cheers to my dad finally having a day one ". Char said smiling.

" Yes ma'am ".

There was a knock on the door and Raya went to go open it. When the door opened I saw Asia and Vivian. I wasn't excited to see them I never liked them but I didn't want anyone to know.

" Oh my gosh ". I heard Asia say.

" Is that Asia and Vivian ". Nia said.

" Shit stater one and two ". Chloe mumbled to me rolling her eyes.

" Right ". I said.

I knew if they were here most definitely Micah and Michael were somewhere lurking the building. I just didn't want to see Michael it was like everything was going to happen again.

" Ooh look at the time Nia I think you should get some rest now don't want to be tired on your special day ". Chloe say.

" Uh true ". She agreed.

I went over to Nia and hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

" I'm so happy for you pretty girl ". I say.

" Thank you bestie ".

Chloe and I left out we were sharing rooms down the hall. She insisted that she room with me. I think she wanted to room with me because she wanted to be nosy about Q.

" Can't stand them with a passion ". She said.

" Honestly ".

As we were walking into our room just our luck we saw Chris and Q. You could hear Chloe's heart beat faster and faster.

" What the fuck y'all doing out y'all rooms ". Q said.

" We grown ". I say.

" Man they turn twenty and don't know how to act ". Chris said shaking his head.

" Last time I checked we both pay bills ". Chloe say.

" I mean you don't have to if you fucked with ya boy ". Q say to Chloe.

I knew she got nervous she was just smiling at him. Love to see it.

" I'll take that into consideration ".

" Come on ". Q say grabbing her hand.

" Bring her back in one piece ". I say.

" Shut up ".

They walked away and Chris looked at me and smiled.

" You ready ". He asked.

" For what ". I asked.

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