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Reese POV

We got back to Chris house and Royalty had this little attitude with me. I've tried so many times to be nice with her but she doesn't want me close to her.

" I'm about to go chill with the boys ". Chris say kissing me.

" Why ". I say pouting.

" You want me to stay ". He said.

" Yes ".

" Damn that's too bad ". He say kissing my neck.

" I guess ". I said.

He kissed me and he pulled me off the bed.

" Get on my back ". He say.

" Don't drop me ". I said.

I got on his back and he opened the door and we went downstairs.

" Put me down ". I say.

" Why ".

He started to spin around fast and his ass slipped almost falling.

" CHRIS ". I yelled.

" Put me down ".

He put me down and started hitting me.

" Ouch ". I say hitting him back.

" Damn it's like that ". He said laughing.

I heard a horn and a knock on the door.

" I got yo ass when I get back ". He say bucking at me.

" You mad ". I say laughing.

He opened the door and it was Char and Nia.

" Hey ".

" Hey ". They say.

" Alright I'll see you later ". Chris said.

" Ok ".

He closed the door and I shut the door.

" Royalty's in her room ". Char asked.

" Yeah ".

She went to her room and Nia and I sat on the couch.

" So where have you been ". Nia asked.

Royalty POV

As I was walking out my room I saw Char. I thought she'll be at her moms after the party.

" Hey ". I say.

" What's up ". She say.

" My dad dropped me and Nia off ". She say.

" Really ".

I then heard Reese talking to Nia like they were trying to whisper.

" Yeah he just came to my house and told me to come on ". Reese say.

" Next thing you know we're on a fucking jet going to New York ". She said. So he took her with him why am I not surprised.

" It was beautiful I had so much fun ".

Reese POV

After telling Nia about that unexpected trip she was excited as hell.

" That's that shit we love ". She said.

" Right ".

"....So that happened earlier ". She added.

" Ugh girl I haven't done anything wrong to them like they just don't like me ". I say rolling my eyes.

" Like I'm a nice person but they belittled me all the time and I just let it happen ". I added.

" Crazy how things work out ".

" I guess I'm just tired of it and I know Chris is too ". I say.

" Damn ".

" But it's you being petty for me ". She say laughing.

" You know I had to add a little something to keep them guessing ". I said smirking.

" You're hell ".

" Like oh you want me break out of character ".

" I'll give you a show just bring the audience ". I said.


Chris POV

I gripped my gun making sure my finger was on the trigger. I put my mask over my face and kicked the door open with Nick and Q ( Juan ) behind me. I pulled the trigger at whoever was in front of me. They started shooting back and I took cover.

" Aye go around back ". I said to Q.

When I started to shoot back I didn't hear anymore gunshots.


Reese POV

Chris was finally home and we were in his room talking.

" I see you stood up for ya self ". He say.

" It was time I just don't understand why they don't like me ". I said.

" I don't either if they can't get on board with it then I don't know ". He said going in the bathroom I followed in.

He started to use the restroom and I sat on the counter.

" We should do a little sit down ". I suggested.

" They ain't gone do that shit ".

" Um I don't know ". I say.

I looked at him and he looked back at me making me have butterflies.

" When did we get this comfortable ". I say smiling.

" Shit I don't know ". He say.

He pulled his shorts up and washed his hands next to me.

" What you doing after you graduate ". He asked.

" Work ". I say.

" What about college ".

" I've been taking college classes since my junior year and some over summer and I managed to get most of my credits and graduate college my first year ". I say.

" Damn mama ". He say.

" What you major in ".

" Nursing ".

" I'm proud of you ". He said kissing me.

" Thank you ".

It felt really good to hear that I don't hear any of that at home. Just to have someone like Chris care for me and talk to me is comforting.

" Reese ".

" Yeah ".

" I ". He said.

It was like he was trying to say something but he stopped himself.

" What ". I asked.

" Nothing I was going to say I wanted something to eat ". He say.

Chris POV

Why can't I push myself to tell her I love her. I wanted to scream it to her. She has me under a spell or something I never been like this for a girl. She's the only thing that's keeping me sane. I can be pissed and when I see her I forget all about my problems. Damn she's something dangerous.

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