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Reese POV

I walked into practice just irritated and annoyed. Everything that happened with Royalty and Crystal it kept replaying in my head and I kept getting more mad about it. I thought I would be sad but that shit only made me pissed. When I told my mom everything she told me I needed to sit down with Chris and Royalty. It's literally been months and it's the same shit and it's not changing. Just so over it.

" Ladies State is coming closer than we know it so today varsity will be coaching and making final cuts ". Coach D said.

" Yes and anyone who was cut before still has a chance to makeup for it ". My mom said.

She's been a big help with this routine and she taught JV and freshman new stunts that was varsity level.

" So varsity is making the rules and cuts today so don't get upset ". Coach said.

" I'll let them go over some things ".

I stood in front of everyone and looked at JV. This is the best JV team we had since our freshman year. But the freshman team was good at first but it got rocky. They have no communication and never practice outside of practice. But it's always room for improvements.

" Ok first off were going to split all of us in three groups ". Chloe said.

" After practicing for about an hour or so we'll come back together and do the whole routine from start to finish ". Raya say.

" If I see anyone mess up you're cut ". I said.


Royalty POV

I was tired they just worked out asses out and don't even care. Now we have to do it all over again together.

" OKAY POSITIONS ". Nia yelled.

I stood next to Char, then Chloe started the countdown.


The music started and I did everything I was supposed to. I'm surprised I'm keeping up this shit is so fast. We were about to do our toe touch but I fucked it up. I was fucking late jumping and as soon as it happened Reese called me out.

" ROYALTY OUT ". She yelled over the music.


As the girls were doing the routine they were starting off good but I notice Royalty was messing up. Reese noticed to and she didn't say anything.

" She messed up ". I mumbled to Reese.

" I know I want to see if she would correct herself ". She mumbled back Raya stopped the music.

" Let's start back from the tumblers come in ". Reese say.

Raya played back the music and we all had eyes on Royalty. She was doing good but she was late again on the toe touch.

" ROYALTY OUT ". Reese yelled over the music. She looked so hurt damn I kind of felt bad.

Reese POV

I feel like we taught these girls good only had a few cuts that's better then weeks ago. I'm proud of them.

" Girls y'all did good today ". I say.

" Yeah everything was neat and sharp ". Chloe said.

" The only thing that I need to say is flyers keep your leg straight no matter what ". Nia said.

" That will give us extra points and I want to say smile y'all look mad ". Chloe said.

" Yes just smile ".

" Everyone did a good job we had some mess up but I let it slide the first time and if you didn't correct it the second time you got cut ". I said.

" With that being said while the girls are at state the ones that are staying here is invited to three free classes ". My mom said.

" What about if we're going to state ". Char asked.

" Still welcome but if you want to join either give Reese, Nia or Chloe your name and I'll put you on my list ".

" Thanks ".

" No problem baby but girls good luck I know you'll win ".


Chris POV

Nick and I was waiting for the girls to leave out of practice. This shit was taking forever I was just ready to go home.

" Thinking about taking her to a nice dinner ". Nick said.

" She'll like that ". I say.

" I know she will her ass love to each ". He said.

" Hell nah ". I said laughing.

The gym doors opened and it was Reese. Man all that shit that went down the other day was just stupid as fuck. I miss her ass being around me all day. I hated that she let Ro and Crystal get to her, but I knew she had enough it was an everyday thing. Never wanted to end shit with her but it happened and I miss her.

We saw the girls, Royalty face was red and she was looking down. Char was hugging her what happened now. They got in the car and I turned around and looked at Ro.

" What's wrong ". I asked. She didn't say anything to me.

" Char what's wrong with her ". Nick asked.

" She got cut from state ". Char said.

" Damn baby girl I'm sorry ". I said.

I knew how much state means to her and I knew she was hurt.

" Fuck that coach they don't know what they lost ". Nick say.

" Yeah everything will be fine you still have next year ". I said.

" Reese cut her ". Char said.

Nick looked at me grinning and shaking his head. I didn't know what to say.

" Um I'm pretty sure she did it for the right reasons ". Nick said.

" No she hates me she did it on purpose ". Royalty say.

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