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Chris POV

I was at home counting money because we were missing a couple thousand and that shit isn't adding up. I swear someone stealing from me I'm going to kill they ass. They don't need to steal from me I give them everything and they fucking steal.

" You counted that same bag three times and the number hasn't changed ". Reese said playing with money.

" Can't be right ". I mumbled.

" I would count it but you know you didn't ask ". She say smirking.

" Can you count it ". I asked her.

" Nah but thank you ". She say.

" Bet ". I said.

Ever since I told her I loved her she been on my ass and I'm not complaining.

Reese POV

He kept counting the money and the number was the same like baby you're not going to get a different number each time.

" Bet ". He say.

I looked at the time and it was around four and I knew I needed to go home I didn't want to cause any mishap today with Royalty.

" I should go ". I say getting out of bed.

" Why ". He asked.

" Chris what if Royalty see me ". I said.

" Reese we not sneaking around in my house ". He said.


Royalty POV

When I got home I wanted to sleep and eat that's all that's it. Practice was cut short because a lot of people didn't come and coach about to be on our asses. As I was heading to my room I saw Reese peeking out my dads door.

" Weirdo ". I say going into my room. At this point I can't stop her and my dads feelings for each other so fuck it.

It was a knock on the door I went to get it and it was this lady. She gave me this smile and looked inside the house.

" Can I help you ". I asked.

" Is Chris here ". She asked.

" Why ". I said.

" Is he here or not ". She say crossing her arm.

" Who's asking ". I say.

She was getting irritated and rolling his eyes. I heard my dad come downstairs.

" Who's at the door ". He asked.

Reese POV

My dumb ass was peaking out the damn door and she saw me. See me being nosy as hell.

" You ain't gotta do all that now ". Chris say.

" Shut up ". I say closing the door.

He pulled me close and kissed me, he grabbed my neck and added his tongue.

" Fuck ". He say. We heard the front door open and Chris smiled at me.

" Come on ". He say.

I started to put one of his shirts on and we went downstairs.

" Who's at the door ". Chris asked.

Royalty stepped aside and it was the girl from that party. She was the same girl Chris was in the room with.

" What the fuck you doing here ". He asked.

" Chris we need to talk ".

" I don't have shit to say too you ". Chris say.

" Really Chris it's important ".

" Alone though ". She added.

" Nah whatever you got to say you can say that shit right here ". He said.

I looked at Chris and he looked kinda pissed. Like annoyed with her and then she kept talking.

" I prefer in private ". She say.

" Man what the fuck you got to say or leave ". Chris said.

" I'm pregnant ".

My heart literally went to my ass. Chris looked shocked himself but he didn't want to show it a lot.

" With your baby ". She added.

" Aye you gotta go ". He said.

" Chris we need to know what we're going to do about this baby ". She said.

" Leave ". He say.

She left and Royalty looked at me and I looked at her. We both gave each other a blank face. Like what the fuck just happened.

" Dad explain ". She say.

Chris looked like he was deep into his thoughts and was quiet and just shook his head.

" I don't know ". He say.

" Do you have any evidence to confirm the baby is yours ". Royalty asked. He didn't say anything he just looked at his phone.

" Chris ". I say.

" Do you think it's yours ". I added.

He wasn't saying shit to us or responding like he was debating.

" Hello dad ". Royalty said.

" Chris ".

" Could the baby be yours ". I asked.


" Dad chill ". Royalty said.

Royalty POV

You could see my dad getting worried and annoyed by us. I don't care because I'm not about to have a little brother or sister running around with a parent I don't know.

" Hello dad ". I said waving my hand in his face.

" Chris ". Reese say. She had a worry look on her face to like she wanted the answer or like she knew the answer.

" Could the baby be yours ". She asked bitting her bottom lip.


" Dad chill ". I said.

" Uh I'm going to go I have homework to finish up ". Reese say she went upstairs and grabbed her stuff. When she came back down she looked so hurt but she kept her cool.

" Reese don't leave ". I say.

Ugh I hate to say it but I actually like Reese and I was being a bitch towards her and a brat. I took my moms side of not liking her and thinking she's this horrible person who didn't deserve my dad. I'm sorry to say this mom but she is jealous of Reese.

" I have to ". She say walking out.

I looked at my dad who just let her leave like really.

" You really let her leave ". I asked.

" That's on her ". He say.

" Dad some chick literally come to your house tells you she's pregnant and you expect Reese to stay silent of course not I would have been asking questions too ". I said.

" I don't care ". He said.

" Yeah right ". I say. Sometimes I hate that he's so nonchalant and then regret everything at the end.


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