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Reese POV

Still debating on should I go to this party I mean I'm not scared it just I haven't talked to Nia in so long do she even want to there. Don't want to go if I'm not invited but then again another turnout might occur. Even if I don't go I still have to go back home. I have an interview and my mom and I decided to leave early so we can settle in. I know she's excited to run her studio again and see her old friends. I'm excited about seeing my dad and across.

" Reese hurry up the plane leaves in an hour and we're still here ". My mom said.

" Ok ".

I looked at Ana who was smiling hard at me. I'm going to miss this girl so much but at least we'll be closer.

"  I'm going to miss your stubborn ass ". She said.

" I'm going to miss your crazy ass ". I said hugging her.

" Reese promise me you'll be happy and start off like you never lived before ". She said.

" I promise ".

" And were still going on that trip ".

She smiled and I knew she was happy for me and of course I'm happy for her as well.

" Alright this isn't bye but I'll see you later ". I said hugging her one last time.

" See you later ".

I got in the car and my mom pulled off. Damn we're really moving back home.

" Mom am I back at square one ". I asked.

" No but I know this time will be different I can tell ". She say.

" Hopefully ".


So we finally made it and so many emotions were going on. Mom wanted to move back into our old house and I was down I miss my old room. And of course the house was like we never left. My shoes were still in the closet from when I got home from school.

" It could use some sun light and freshener ". Mom suggested.

" Yeah and some air it's hot as hell ". I say going to the thermostat.

" It's seventy-nine degrees in this bitch ". I added.

" Girl shut up ".

It was a knock on the door and I went to go get it. When I did it was my dad and Cross.

" Oh my gosh hey guys ". I say pulling them in a hug.

" I miss y'all so much ".

" We missed you too baby girl ". My dad said kissing my forehead.

" Reese dad said you're staying for good ". Cross say.

" Yeah that's the plan ".

" Now I can have sissy time again ". He said.

" Of course ".

He went to go sit on the couch and pulled out his game and started playing on it.

" I'm glad you're back we missed you so much ". My dad said.

" Yeah I was hesitant at first but I'm glad I did ".

" This is home ". He say.

" Yeah ". I smiled at him and he smiled back.

" Did you hear about Nia ".

" Yeah mom told me I'm happy for her ". I say.

" Same she asked me to walk her down the aisle ".

My dad has always been a father figure to Nia but her asking him to walk her down the aisle. I don't know how I feel about that. I'm his first daughter and his real daughter I should be the only one being walked down the aisle. I don't know if I'm being selfish but how would you feel. Yeah I think I'm overreacting.

" Really that'll be nice what did you say ". I say.

" Nothing yet I wanted to talk it over with you because you're my first daughter ".

" I mean I don't like it really but you have been there for her like her real dad so it's up to you ". I said.

" I'll talk it over with your mom but in the mean time take Cross out I need to handle something with your mom ". He said. He handed me his keys and his card.

" Ooh let me find out ". I smirked.

" Shut up ".

" Come on Cross let's go get some food ". I say laughing.

" Bet ".

We left out the house and went to get some food.

" Dad gave us the card ". Cross asked.

" Yep ".

" He wouldn't mind us doing a little shopping ". Cross smirked.

" Yeah he wouldn't I need some stuff for my room ".

We know damn well he gone get our asses but he did it he's the one that gave us his card.

" I do need some new shoes and clothes ". He said.

" Bet ".

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