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Reese POV

My mom hasn't been home in about a three days and I'm worried. The last time I saw her was when we left my doctors appointment. Even though she say all those things to me she's still my mom and I want to make sure she's safe. If she's not here within the next day I'm filing a missing person report.

" So he has a daughter ". Chloe asked.

" Yes she's fourteen ". I said.

" Step mama Reese ". Nia laughed.

" Shut up ".

My door opened and it was my dad with food.

" I'll call y'all back ". I said before hanging up.

" Did you get in touch with your mom ". He say sitting the food on the bed.

Chris POV

I was with my friends at the house in the basement we were talking and I haven't heard from Reese since.

" She just ditched yo ass ". Nick said.

" She said she needed to process it but it's been about a week ". I say.

" Damn Chris ".


The door opened and it was Carlotta. She's a regular customer but I kept letting her slide. She wasn't paying me when she said she would.

" We gave you so many chances and you took them for granted ". I said pulling out my gun.

" Please Chris I'll give you anything ". She begged.

" What can you give me ". I asked.

" I have a daughter she's useless you can have her ".

" So you'll give up your daughter just to save your own life ". I smiled.

" Worlds best mom ". Nick said.

I pointed the gun towards her head. When I was about to shoot my phone rung and it was Reese. I answered it and I heard her voice.

" Hello ". She said.

" What's up ". I said.

" So about the other day I'm sorry about how I reacted ". She said.

" It's ok ".

" It just took me by surprise ". She say.

" Figured ". I say.

" Umm I'll call you back ". She say.

" Alright ".

She hung up and I continued what I was doing.

" Carlotta you have one more week I swear on my daughter ". I said.


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