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Chris POV

It's Char's birthday and Nick decided to give her a little party at his house for her since she's having one with her mom next weekend.

" Man hurry yo ass up ". I said to Royalty.

She always take her damn time, we late and we have to pick up Reese.

" I'm coming ". She said.

She came downstairs and grabbed the gifts she bought for Char. We left out and was on the way to get Reese.


Royalty POV

We pulled up to Reese house and of course she lives in a dump. She wants my dad for his money. It's the fact my dad is entertaining her.

" Wow she lives in a dump ". I say laughing.

" Chill out ". He say.

I saw Reese coming out the house and looked a hot ass mess.

" Get in the back ". My dad said.

" What no ". I say.

" Royalty get in the back ". He demanded.

" No ".

Reese POV

When I walked out the house I made sure I locked up. As I was getting closer to the car you could hear Royalty and Chris going back and forth.

" Royalty get in the back ". He said with a serious tone.

" No ". Royalty said.

" Now ".

" Chris it's fine ". I say.

" No she needs to listen when I tell her ass something ". Chris said.

" Yeah but it's fine ". I said getting in the back.

" Um excuse me you have no rights to agree with him on anything about me ". She said turning around.

What do I do in a situation like this? She just need an ass whooping.

" You're right I don't have any rights ". I say.

" Royalty chill out ". Chris say pulling off.


We were at the barbecue and the music was loud and it was nice.  Nick has a nice house it gives me Chris vibes. We walked to the backyard and saw a lot of people. As I was looking around I locked eyes with Royalty's mom. She gave me this looked and started talking to this other woman who was giving me dirty looks. Royalty went over to her mom and Chris looked at me.

" Don't worry about them ". He say grabbing my hand.

" Yeah of course ". I say smiling. He kissed me and I kissed him back.

We went over to his friends and I saw a familiar and it was Nia ass all up on Nick. I swear this bitch keeps a lot from me.

" What's up ". Chris say dapping up his friends.

" Hey ". I say to everyone.

" Sup ". Nick said.

I eyed the fuck out of Nia who was trying not to make eye contact with me.

" I hate you ". I said laughing at her.

" It's your fault ". She say looking at Chris.

" Bye ". I said with a slur.

" And where have you been miss M.I.A ". She said crossing her arms.

" I'll tell you that later ".

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