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Reese POV

When I got up Chris wasn't in the room or the bathroom. I had a bad hangover and what Chris did last night was fucked up and uncalled for just extra as hell. He fucking embarrassed me in front of all those people. I grabbed my phone and saw that Nia texted me asking if I got home safe. I went in Chris closet and got some underwear that I've been bringing over since I'm here all the time. I hopped in the shower and washed the dirty ass liquor smell off me.


I got out the shower and put on one of Chris shirts. I smelled food cooking and my stomach went crazy.

" Shit smells amazing ". I say.

I went downstairs and when I did I saw Royalty and Chris sitting at the island and this older woman with an apron on cooking. She noticed me and smiled at me.

" Ro you didn't tell me one of your friends was joining us for lunch ". The lady said.

Royalty smirked at me and I went in the kitchen and sat between her and Chris. Who was staring me the fuck down like he didn't want me to be here.

" Thats dad's situation ". Royalty say.

" Hi ". I say still confused about this lady.

" Ma this is Reese my friend ". Chris said.

FRIEND. I looked at him like he was fucking crazy. So we're friends? Alright Chris whatever.

" Reese this is my mom ". He added.

" Hello ". She say smiling at me.

His mom wow ok. Please don't hate me all the women in his life hate me and I can't let his mom hate me.

" Hi ". I say

" Aren't you a pretty thing ". She said.

I was trying to hold back my anger like you dead ass just said that.

" Thanks ".

" Are you hungry ". She asked .

" No I'm fine ". I said. I lost all my appetite.

I got up and went back upstairs and shut the door.

Royalty POV

I know my dad did not just call Reese his friend knowing damn well they together. When Reese went upstairs my dad just sat their.

" I'll be back ". He say grabbing his phone. He went upstairs and slammed the door. Ooh trouble in paradise for real.

" Im assuming she is something more than a friend ". Grandma say.

" Yeah she's here all the time and he told me that they were together I don't know why he said that ". I say.

" Boys are dumb ". She said fixing me a plate.

" She seems like a nice girl for your dad I mean she's a little young but she seems sweet ". Grandma said.

" Yeah she is but I couldn't see that at first my mom was saying anything for me to go against her ". I say.

" Really did you apologize ".

" Yeah ".

Reese POV

When I got to the room I started getting my shit so I can leave. Like you dead ass said you loved me and all that and go call me a friend. As I was putting my clothes in a bag the door opened and it slammed shut. I looked and it was Chris looking at me.

" Where you going ". He asked.

" Home ". I say.

" Why ". He said taking my stuff out the bag.

" We're friends right friends don't spend a night in each other's bed ". I say.

" Friends don't make love ". I added snatching my clothes from him.

" But we are friends you're my girl friend ". He say.

" So this whole time you made me feel like we were something ". I said trying to hold back my tears.

" I mean at first I felt something real but after I didn't , I didn't want to hurt your feelings ". He said.

" So you lied to me ". I asked. I felt a tear come down my face and my face started to get hot.

" I didn't mean for it to get this far Reese the sex was good I think that's why I led you on ".

" SO YOU LIED ABOUT LOVING ME ". I yelled breaking down.

" I'm sorry ".

Chris POV

I looked at her and she started busting out crying. Got her ass right where I want her she want to play with me last night like she gone get away with it.

" I'm playing baby ". I said laughing.

I pulled her to me and she cried in my chest.

" I told you not to go to that party and this what happens ". I said wiping her tears.

I started wiping her tears and kissed her. She was still crying but she wrapped her arms around me.

" I love you ". I said.

" I love you too ". She say with an attitude.

" This is why you listen to me ".


After crybaby was done crying we went downstairs in the kitchen eating. I'm happy my mom is here I haven't seen her dictating ass in a minute.

" Ma this is my girl ". I said.

" I know ". She say.

" So when will I be having another grand baby ". She added.

" Ma ". I sighed.

" What I want grandson ". She said.

" She's still in school ". I say.

" So ".

" We're not planning on having a baby right now but we are open to it ". Reese said.

" Yeah if it come it comes but we're enjoying ourselves right now ". I say kissing Reese.

" Yeah yeah hurry up ".

I would love to have a baby with Reese I can see my future with her. Damn seeing her carrying my baby would be the best thing. First I want to wife her ass up and have her ass on lock for real.


Reese POV

Since Chris never goes out places we decided to spend a day out. We went to this mall where he used to go to back when he was in high school. He said they have the best fried chicken and I'm always down for some chicken.

" Get anything you want baby you deserve it ". Chris say kissing me.

" Come with me to try this on ". I say hold up a lace bra set.

We went into the dressing room Chris sat down watching me get undressed.

" Can you unhook my bra please ". I asked turning my back towards him.

I felt him unhook my bra and he turned me around and stared at my chest.  He started playing with my nipple looking me in my eyes.

" Mhm ". I say biting my bottom lip. I put the bra on and he licked his lips.

" I like that ". He say kissing me.

" Yeah I do too ".

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