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Reese POV

When I pulled up to my house tired as hell. I decided to work day shift today and it was not that bad but it was bad. I just wanted sleep that's all but I notice Chris car in the driveway.

" And what are you doing here ". I asked closing my door.

" Looking for you ". He said.

" Why ".

" Damn I can't see you ". He say.

" You can't ". I say walking to the porch.

" Tell me to leave then ". He say following me inside the house.

My ass didn't say shit but he knew I couldn't. I can't resist him even when I try my hardest it's something about him.

" That's what I thought ". He said.

" Shut up ".

We went upstairs to my room and he looked around like he never been here before.

" You know when we were dating I never really got to spend time in ya room ". He say picking up my old cheer uniform.

" That's because I basically lived with you ".

" Hell yeah ".

Chris POV

I stared at every inch on her and she was just perfect. She looked even sexier in her scrubs. Damn I want her right now.

" If you ever pull some shit like that next time I'm going to have you begging for more ". I say to her.

" Already am ". She say coming closer to me.

She got on her knees and pulled my pants down. I felt her warm mouth and she just looked at me in my eyes.

" Fuck ". I moaned.

Lori POV

I was out having dinner with one of my close friends. I needed this and most definitely needed to vent.

" So her young ass is obsessing over Chris his old ass ". Shelia said shaking her head.

" Yes ".

" How do Chris feel about all this ". She asked.

" I don't know he doesn't say too much about it but I think when he found out that I knew something he stopped all ties with her and now she's hurt ". I say shaking my head.

" As he should ".

" He can't mess around with her when he has you ".

" That's what I said ".


Chris POV

If Nick ass don't stop calling these last minute ass meeting think I might shoot myself. They be last minute and long ass hell for no reason.

" So our suits are finally being shipped out ". Nick said.

" Bet ".

" I found a couple of venues for the reception ". I say

" You did or Reese ". Q asked laughing.

" Nigga I did ".

" Speaking of Reese ma fine as fuck ". Nate say.

" She can't be single looking that good ". He added.

" I don't know she just moved back though ". Nick said smirking at me.

" Might just have to holla ". He said.

I'm not even worried she know who the fuck I am.

Nick POV

I knew my brother wanted Reese but that's none of my business. But I know she not gone go for his ass I mean he can try but his ass gone fail. The way Chris has her wrapped around his finger is ridiculous. They thought they could play and act like they didn't fuck with each other tryna keep it low key, but I caught they asses.

Reese POV

I was on the phone with Raya nosy ass and she was just talking and talking about dumb shit.

" So y'all not fucking ". She asked.

" No I swear ".

People think we're fucking but I promise you were not and we haven't in a long time.

" Why though ". She asked.

" I don't know I haven't really asked him ".

Yes of course I want him to touch every inch on my body but I don't know what he's waiting for. I kinda do but then again I don't want him too.

" Girl I'm pulling in now ". She say hanging up.

I got out the car and saw her smiling at me. We decided to pull up on Nia ass and see what she was doing.

" I though I told you to get the food ". Raya say.

" I did I got it delivered here ".I say knocking on the door.

" How much I owe you ".

" Girl it's fine ". I said.

Nia opened the door and she gave us this awkward ass smile like we wasn't supposed to be here.

" Hi ". We say.

We walked in and I saw Lori and some girl next to her.

" Was there a meeting we didn't know about ". Raya asked.

" No they just stopped by ". Nia say.

Her expression said it all and she looked annoyed with them.

I sat on the couch next to Raya who started eating the food.

" Guess who's back in town ". Nia say.

" Please don't tell me she's back ". I say smiling.

" Damn Reese that hurts ". I heard someone say.

I turned around and it was Chloe. My heart went to my ass I miss her so much.

" CHLOE ". I say jumping on her.

" Yes this is the energy that I wanted ". She joked.

" I missed you so much ". I say.

" I missed you too ". She say kissing my cheek.

I missed this girl so much I knew it felt different when I got back that she wasn't around.

" I missed you too Raya ". Chloe say.

" Whatever ". She say smiling.

I finally have my girls back and it felt so good.

" Excuse me ". Lori say clearing her throat.

" Sorry ".

The door opened and it was miss attitude and miss sassy with hella bags like they just spent a check.

" Hi girls ". I say.

" Hey ". Royalty said.

She say next to me and I started to look through her clothes she bought.

" This is going to be a no for me ". I say holding up these super short ass shorts.

" Ro you're not wearing this ". I said taking it from her.

Royalty POV

It felt really good to hear what Reese didn't like it was like my mom telling me but coming from her was so comforting.

" These are cute right ". I say showing off my new bras.

" Yeah but you barely have them so ". She joked.

" Whatever ".

Imma need for her and my dad to stop playing just get back together.

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