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Chris POV

Royalty was on break and I wanted to spend some time with her before we go on this trip in a couple of days. So I decided to take her shopping and whatever else she wanted to do.

" You ready ". I say grabbing my keys.

She just looked at me and walked out the door. I locked up the house and got in the car.


We were at the mall, Ro wanted to go into Victoria Secret. Her ass should not be wearing this shit.

" You sure about this store ". I asked scratching my head.

" Yes ".

" Aight man ". I say.

Reese POV

Decided to treat myself to a spa day it was well needed. Nia and Chloe were tagging along with me.

" Cheering needs to be banned ". Nia joked.

" I'm with you ". I agreed.

" No Coach D needs to relax high school cheer we were more free now she has us practicing on weekends ". Chloe say rolling her eyes.

" Type shit is that ". I nodded.

" Then on top of that training freshman and JV ". Nia say.

" Our life consist of sleep -cheer-sleep-eat but you're not eating a home cooked meal-cheer ". Chloe said.

" That shit is interfering with my love life ". Nia say pouting.

" Ugh that too can't remember the last time I went on a date or had attention ". Chloe said.

" Can't relate ". I say smiling.

" Bitch shut up ".

" How is things with your step daughter anyway ". Nia said laughing.

" Chill and I don't know it's like she likes me then all of a sudden hates me ". I say.

" Aww baba'a just mad because Reesy-Pooh is taking her daddy away from her ". Chloe said fake pouting.

" Shut up ". I said laughing.

" I say give her time to really know you like take her out somewhere without Chris and let her get to know you more ". Nia suggested.

" I think that would be nice ".

" Let's hope she doesn't kill you ".


After leaving the spa my body felt so good it was like all the pressure was relieved. I got home and saw the my mom was again no show. At this point I live on my own. I went into my room and laid down, I started to scroll through Instagram. I came across Royalty's page of course my nosey ass watched her story. She just posted hella bags from stores.


Chris POV

I spent hella money today on Royalty ass just for her to still have the attitude. I know I can't buy our bond but damn I wanted to spend time with my daughter and she played me. Nevertheless I bought Reese a couple things I know she'll like. That girl bring something different out of me.

" My mom wants to talk to you ". Royalty say handing her phone to me. It's always some bullshit with her mom.

" Yeah ". I say.

" I don't want ya little whore around my daughter respect my wishes and Royalty's ". She say.

" Man what the fuck ". I say.

" This shit is getting on my fucking nerves man ". I added. I hung up the phone and looked at Royalty.

" What the fuck you telling yo mom about Reese for she ain't doing shit to yo ass she's not even here right now and you starting some shit ". I say.

" Not about to go back and forth with you and ya mom...you not about to control me you ain't want to be around me but as soon as start giving someone else my attention it's a problem ". I added.

" Me or her ". She said.

" So you tryna give me an ultimatum ". I say.

" Me or her ". She say.

" Royalty get the fuck out my face ". I said before walking away.

This is not the drama I need in my life right now. She never acted like this and it's pissing me off. Her dumb ass mama putting words in her head and shit. One day she likes Reese then the next it's a problem. Tired of this shit make me want to send her ass to her mama house but that shit will only get worse. When I got to my room I saw that Reese called me. I called her back and she answered.

" Hello ". She say.

" What's up ". I say.

" Just wanted to check up on you haven't heard from you all day ". She say.

" My bad I was out with Ro ". I said.

" I miss you ". I added.

" I miss you too ".

I knew she was smiling.

" What you doing ". I asked.

" Just laying down ". She say.

" Let's chill tonight ". I suggested.

" Um I have school in the morning and it's already late ". She say.

" Spend a night I'll take you to school ". I said.

"....Ok but you have to buy me food ".

" Baby you know I got you ".


Reese POV

Chris picked me up and he got me some wings and fries my favorite. I was excited to see him it's like every time I see him I get butterflies like I get nervous. We were in his room chilling while I was eating. I was fucking this food up it just hit different.

" Help me count this money ". He asked putting two duffel bags on the bed.

" Chris that's a lot of money ". I say.

He dumped both bags on the bed and spread it out. I wiped my hand with a wet wipe and looked at Chris.

" This will take us all night ". He say.

" Chris ". I say slurring his name.

" You can do it ". He said kissing me.


Never counting money again that shit is horrible. Too many fucking numbers and my hands are sore from the rubber bands. It was really late and I was tired I just wanted to sleep that's all.

" Five hundred thousand ". I say handing him one hundred thousand.

" Shit ". He said.

" Never again ". I say.

" You need to invest into a money counter shit ". I said.

" That's a waste when I got you ". He say laughing.

" Um no ".

I got underneath the covers and laid down. He turned off the lights and got in bed. I felt him pull me close to him and kissed me.

" Thank you baby ". He say.

" You're welcome ".

" Goodnight ". I say.

" Goodnight baby ".

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