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Royalty POV

I was getting ready for school I was up earlier than usual because we have practice that I just found out about an hour ago. I hate it here my mom wasn't answering so I had to ask my dad. Right when I was about to knock on his door it opened fast. It was Reese she looked like she was in a rush.

" Chris I'm late how the hell am I supposed to know we had practice ". She say.

" Um dad can you take me to practice ".

" Reese going to take you ". He say.

" Why ". I asked.

" Girl if you not tryna do laps come on ". She say.

" Y'all be safe ".

We went downstairs and left out the house.

" Your dad gave me any key so let's see what we're driving today ". She say.

She clicked a button and the and the lambo went off.

" Do you even know how to drive that ". I say.

" Nope but I'll find out ". She say.

We got in the car and when she started it this loud sound went off. She pulled off and this girl was driving fast as hell. I was kinda scared but I liked it. Luckily their was no one of the road this early. Her phone rung and she asked me to answer it and it was Nia.

" Reese where are you ". She asked.

" Just left out the house". Reese say.

" Same they really made us get up this early for practice ". Nia say.

" Yes and they told us last minute and then say it's mandatory ". Reese say.

" I don't even have clothes I was at Chris house ". She said.

" You spent a night ok Reese I see you with ya man ". Nia say smiling.

" Shut up ". Reese said smiling.

" But I'll run by your house and get your clothes ". Nia said.

" Alright but I'll let you know when we're close ". Reese say.

" We ". She questioned.

" Yeah I have Royalty with me ". She said.

" Oh ".


Reese POV

We pulled up to the school to a empty parking lot and we got out and ran to the gym.

" Get used to unexpected practices girl ". I say to Royalty.

We saw other girls running into the gym too. When we got in their they were already starting.

" LATE ". Coach D yelled.

" Yeah because this is unexpected ". I say.

" Why are we here ". Nia say.


We gathered around her and she had this big smile on her face.

" Don't smile at us ". Chloe say mugging Coach D.

" Someones a little feisty ". Coach say smirking.

Chloe hated Coach and she never hid it from her. But it's like a love hate relationship.

" After I was interrupted by Cry baby Chloe I wanted to take this time and tell you guys that state is right around the corner and it's time we make cuts ". She say smiling.

" State is a few months away ". I say.

" Yes and the routine is hard I added stunts, throws and all that since we won state last year we automatically skip round one ".

" But they added a requirement this year and y'all aren't going to like it ". Coach Bosh say.

" We have to have tumblers ". She said.

" Oh no baby that ain't gone work ". Nia say.

Our two flyers are our only tumblers and that could lose us point without a flyer.

" How is that going to work ". Chloe asked.

" That why we have freshman and JV with us on this lovely morning ". Coach say.

" No not at all they are not on our level no offense but they barely know how to do a toe touch ". Raya say.

" I agree but we don't have any other options ". I say.

" That's why we're practicing the routine and making cuts ".

Let see how this goes.


Royalty POV

My back hurts, my legs hurts everything hurts. I was hungry too I just wanted to sleep and eat.

" Ladies that was good no one got cut but there will be cuts coming ". Coach D say.

" You can cut me ". Chloe said drinking her water.

" Chloe your cut ". Coach said.

" Don't play with me ". Chloe say.

They act like mother and daughter, I swear they are funny as hell.

" Don't mess with the thunder ". Coach said laughing.

She dismissed us I went into the locker room and saw Reese changing. She saw me staring and she smiled at me.

" Some of the girls and I are going to get breakfast before class want to come bring some of your friends ". She asked.

" Yeah that's fine ". I say.

" Alright I'll be out at the car waiting ". She said leaving.

" I thought you hated her ". Celia said.

" That's none of your business ". I say.


Reese POV

We decided to get breakfast before class and that was the best decision ever. I wanted to be nice and invite Royalty with us and some of her friends.

" I say we skip school and chill all day ". Nia say.

" Would love that because I can use some more sleep ". I said.

" The freshman ain't bout it ". Chloe said smirking at them.

" Do not promote them to skip school ". I say covering Char ears.

" Maybe next time ". Raya laughed.

It was since having breakfast with them we all got along even Royalty talked to me. I can still tell she wasn't feeling it though.

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