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Reese POV

Nick invited Chris and I to his grandpa cabin for the weekend and I was excited because I always wanted to go. I guess it's going to be a group of their friends and Nick sister.

" Baby don't over pack ". Chris say sorting his clothes.

" I know I'm bringing a couple of outfits ". I lied.

" Hmm ". He said.

" Let's just enjoy ourselves ". He added giving me peck kisses.

" As a family ". He said. Royalty was coming downstairs and she had a half done head.

" Family my ass I'm not going with my head looking like this ". Royalty say.

" Man watch yo mouth ". Chris said shaking his head.

" I told you, you should have gotten it done professionally ". I say going over to her.

" I know but it was last minute they tryna charge hundreds of dollars for squeeze ins ".

" That's so crazy ".

" But I can help you with your hair ". I said.

" See this is why we need you ". She smiled. I followed her to her room and finished her hair.

Chris POV

I feels good to see Reese and Royalty getting along. They asses be up all night eating full course meals. If Royalty get hungry in the middle of the night she come in the room and wake Reese up and Reese would do the same. I mean three o'clock in the morning type shit. Then wake up late as hell in the morning wanting fucking coffee.

I got a text from Brandy, it still unclear to me about her being pregnant. I can't tell Reese that I was fucking with her. I can't lose Reese she mean way too much to me. But I'm gone have to tell her one day but not right now she's happy.



We were the first ones at the cabin and this shit was nice but creepy. This is the first time I get to meet Nick's sister. I talked to his sister one but that was only a hey.

" Dad this is creepy ". Char say turning on the lights.

" No it's not ". He said.

" Char you sharing rooms with Ro, Dasia, and Carly ". He added.

The door opened and it was Nick sister and her boyfriend.

" Bet ". Char said.

" Damn I thought we'll be first ". She said smiling.

" Tried to warn y'all asses ". Nick said.

" Hi auntie Kenzie ". Char say.

" Hey ".

" Ken you met my girl Nia ". Nick say introducing me.

" I believe so she's so beautiful ". She said smiling.

I think his sister is around twenty-three because she looks so young.


Reese POV

When we got to the cabins it was so nice. It was real vintage it was like a movie.

" Ooh this looks like we all gone end up dead ". Royalty say.

" Shut up ". Chris said.

I guess everyone was here of course we stay late to shit. This time it was Chris fought his ass got lost.

" Baby hold this ". He say handing me this bag.

We walking inside and it was nice as hell.

" Wow ". I mumbled.

" Damn about time ". Nick said.

" Chris ass can't drive ".

" Stop playing with me ". Chris said.

" Y'all room is right now that hall ". This girl say smiling at me.

" Thanks ".

I noticed these two girls in the back talking to each other and eyeing me.

" Ro you sharing rooms with Char ". Nick said.

" Coo ".

Chris and I went to our room. But it just felt so weird like I was out of place like I didn't belong here.

" I'm about to hop in the shower ". Chris said.

" Alright I'll unpack our things ". I say.

" Nah get in with me ". He say.


After our little shower I felt good. The only thing that I'm waiting on is the food.

" So who gone cook ". Nick asked.

" We volunteer ". Ro and Char say.

" Uh never mind ". Chris said.

" Dad don't do that ". Royalty said.

" I'm playing ".

" Bet y'all better throw down ". Q say.

" Of course ".

" Chris you never introduced us to your little girl friend ". This girl say. She was really pretty like model status type shit.

" Reese this is Lori, Jp, and Hope ". Chris say.

" Hey ". I said.

" Hmm ". Lori said.

Did I miss something, I looked at Nia who noticed it all.

" So this the girl you ditched me for ". Lori laughed looking at her friends.

" Man chill out ". Chris said with an attitude. I can tell he was irritated now.

" It's ok Chris I'm joking ". She smiled.

They must've messed around before everyone that had a problem with me and Chris relationship had a relation with him.

" Ok ".

I pulled out my phone but I had bad service. I still managed to text me mom. She's taking this job offer in New York as a dance teacher and if she goes I'm going. But I don't want that to be the case I love my life here this is home and this is all I know. But I can't stop her if this is what she really wants to do then I'm here one hundred percent.

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