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The count down is close and I'm getting more excited every day knowing I'm about to marry the man I love. Today was the first day of rehearsal when I tell y'all they were lazy as hell they were lazy as hell. Not on my watch hell nah.

" I feel as though we need a break ". Royalty say sitting down.

" Damn y'all act like y'all been working out and shit ". I said.

" Bitch damn near ". Chloe said.

"I'm with Ro ". Reese say sitting down next to Royalty.

" Get y'all lazy asses up ". Chris said shaking his head at them.

" I mean you don't have to hate ". Reese said.

Reese POV

I was sleepy as hell and just wanted to go home and sleep. But I decided to stop up and watch three whole seasons.

" Whatever y'all have a hour break ". Nia said.

" Girl break we tryna go home ". Raya said. Nia gave her this look and Raya ass just shut up.

" Sorry ". Raya say kissing Nia cheek.

We went over to Nia to talk and she smiled at us like she had something to say.

" What's that face ". I asked.

" Of course it's something horrible ". Chloe say.

" Not this time ". Nia say.

" Spill the beans ". Raya said.

" Remember Michael and Micah ". Nia say.

When I heard his name my stomach went into a knot. It was like my heart stopped for a long time. Thought I'll never hear that name ever. Michael Tresvant was my first love. I was so in love with him that I did stuff that I regret. Then his "love" for me started to get abusive, everything had to go his way or someone will get hurt and that someone always happens to be me. I was really dumb for him it was during the time my mom started drinking and doing drugs. The way he treated me I thought that was him showing love. Until I saw how a girl is really supposed to be treated. I never told anyone about him being abusive not even Nia it was just too embarrassing. I would literally wear a full face of makeup to school just to cover up bruises. At one point in time I never wore short sleeves or shorts I always had myself covered. I hated myself because all I heard from him that I was worthless, stupid and ugly. I started to believe it because the same thing was coming from my mom. The only reason I got away from him is because he had to move away because of his dad job. It was a big relief but to hear his name made me sick to my stomach.

" Reese ". I heard Raya say.

" Oh my bad I was day dreaming ". I said.

" Not that ". Nia laughed.

" But I invited them, Asia, and Vivian to the wedding ". She say smiling.

" Nice that should be fun ". I said smiling.


When I got him I was just tired and wanted to sleep all day and night. Chloe is staying with me until she decide on what she's doing next.

" I'm ready for her moody ass to get married already ". Chloe said.

" No for real we should just take they asses to Vegas ". I say laughing.

" Nice we can drug them and take they asses ". She joked.

" But I'm happy for them she's finally getting something she always wanted ". She added.

" Yeah she deserves it all ". I say.

She looked at me for a moment and then looked down at me.

" What ".

" Uh...I noticed when Nia brought up the twins you look like you seen a ghost ". She say.

" Oh no it was probably nothing ". I said smiling.

" Reese we been best friend since middle school I know when you're lying ". She said.

" We're they true ". She questioned. Her face softened as she looked at me. I knew exactly what she was talking about it. It was rumors that Michael was a little abusive but they never really got out.

" Sometimes ". I said.

" Reese why didn't you tell anyone about that ". She protested.

" Chloe you don't understand ". I said.

She was quiet for a moment and she looked down at my hands and grabbed them.

" Maybe I don't understand but Reese we could have helped if he wouldn't have left only God knows what would have continued ". She say hugging me.

" But your safe now and have a big support system and close friends behind you ". She said.

" Thank you Chloe ".

It felt good to hear that from her it doesn't feel like I'm alone and it made me feel so much closer to her.

" Your welcome ". She say.

" Can you do me a huge favor ". She asked smiling.

" What's up ".

She looked at me and smiled.


Chris POV

On my way home I got a call from Reese and she sound excited.

" What's up ".

" What are you doing ". She asked.

" On the way home ". I say.

" Hm is Q single ". She asked.

" Why ".

" None of your business ".

" I'm not telling you shit then ". I said laughing.

" Chris yes or no ".

" Why ".

" Chris ". She moaned.

" He's single Reese ". I say.

" That's all you had to say ". She said.

" Hmm ".

" What you doing tonight ". I asked.

" Nothing ".

I just missed everything about this girl. Sometimes I wish she never left and I just shut the fuck up.

" Chris I'll call you back ". She said before hanging up.

" Damn ain't eve let a nigga say something ". I say to myself.

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