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Reese POV

Chris and I was back in town and I miss New York already. After not having any contact with people it felt so good. I really had a nice time and our first date is most definitely top tier in my book. Chris didn't want me to go home so I was just going to hang out with him today.

" You tryna cook or order out ". He asked.

" We can cook ". I say.

" What were you thinking ".

" It doesn't matter ". I say.

" How about I go to the store and come back with some food ". He said.

" Yeah that's fine ".

" Alright I'll be back ". He say kissing me.

" Ok ".

He kissed me one last time and left out the house. I started to look in his freezer and they had no food.


I was kind of cleaning up around the house still waiting on Chris to come back. I heard the front door opened and when I looked up it was Royalty and some lady I'm assuming her mom. My body got a little stiff I never met her mom before so that'll be weird.

" Hey ". I say.

" My dads back in town and the first thing he does is invite you over ". Royalty said rolling her eyes.

" So this is her ". The lady said.

" I'm Reese ". I say.

" Oh I know ". She said staring at me.

"....Well Uh your dad went to the store he should be back ". I say.

" Whatever ". Royalty say aggressively.

They sat down on the couch and I finished cleaning up a little.

" What did you have to do to get that ". Royalty mom say pointing at the ring Chris gave me.

" It was a gift from Chris ". I said smiling.

This is the most awkward shit I've been in like their the villain and I'm just a pedestrian entering their world.

Chris POV

I pulled up to the house and saw Nia car. This can't be good at all. I grabbed the groceries and walked inside the house. Then I saw Ro, Nia, and Reese.

" What are you doing here ". I asked Nia. I sat the groceries in the kitchen.

" Where the hell have you been ". She say.

" I had to handle some business ". I said.

" Dad we've literally been blowing up your phone all weekend ". Royalty said.

" I haven't gotten any calls ". I say pulling out my phone. I noticed it was on airplane mode still.

" Oh I still had it on airplane mode ". I added.

" All weekend ". Royalty questioned.

" Yeah ".

" Anyways your daughter needs to tell you something ". Nia say crossing her arms.

" What ". I say looking at Royalty.

" I got suspended ". She say.

" What the fuck Royalty I told you about this shit ".

" You act like you don't fucking know right from wrong ". I said pissed.

This shit is getting old all this getting in trouble acting out shit is getting on my nerves. I don't know why she act like this like I don't treat her like she should be treated.

" You don't even know the story ". She protested.

" TELL ME ". I yelled.

" Don't yell at her ". Nia say.

I just wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up. Can't disrespect her in front of Royalty.

" This girl told me a rumor that's going around ". She say.

" Since when have you ever let some girl get to you ". I asked.

" Since the rumor is true ".

" What ".

" She told me that there's a rumor going around about your sleeping with a varsity cheerleader ". She said.

Reese POV

You can see the frustration in Chris face. It was like Royalty didn't care at all. She liked getting her dad mad. It was none of my business to put my nose in their business. Then her mom looked at me and gave me the nastiest look. Woah, I can see where Royalty gets her sass from.

" What ". Chris say.

" She told me that there's a rumor going around about you sleeping with a varsity cheerleader ". She say.

I nearly passed the fuck out. My stomach started to turn and my palms were getting sweaty.

" That's none of their business ". Chris say.

" She called you a pedophile.......so I punched her and we started fighting ". Royalty said like it was nothing.

" YOU GOT INTO A FIGHT ". Chris yelled.

" She started it ". Royalty say.

" ROYALTY IM FUCKING TIRED OF THIS SHIT WITH YOU ". Chris say yelling in her face. I was a little scared for Royalty, Chris face was red.

" GET YO ASS IN YO ROOM ". He yelled.

She looked at him and rolled her and went to her room and slammed her door.

" I FUCKING HATE YOU ". Royalty screamed.

" This would have never happened if you would've just dropped her hoe ass like Royalty said ". Her mom saying looking at me.

" Chill the fuck out with that name calling shit ". Chris say.

" So it's my fault ". Chris said.

" Exactly none of this would have happened Chris ". She said eyeing me.

" Maybe if you stop putting fucking words in her head this would have been better ".

" Whatever Chris ".

She grabbed her purse and left slamming the front door.

I looked at Chris and he just shook his head. He came over to me and grabbed my waist.

" Welcome to my life ". He say kissing me.

" Everything will be fine ". I said.


Royalty POV

I was in my room on my phone I was just annoyed. How could my dad be so ugh. I can't even describe it like he really doesn't care about how I feel in this. So I'm going to continue to give him hell. When he leaves Reese that's when I will stop but now no. There was a knock on the door I didn't say anything but it was Reese. What now?

" Hey Royalty if you're hungry I made some steak and potatoes ". She say.

" Your dad told me you liked lemonade so I made some fresh lemonade ". She added.

Why is she so nice it's hard for me to not like her. She hasn't done anything wrong to me ever.

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