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Reese POV

I walked into Chris house and saw him spray painting on his wall. It was loud music playing, I knew he was in a bad place about Royalty and her situation. I didn't want to get between it because I'm still trying to gain her trust and I want her to like me if Chris and I take things further.

" Chris ". I said turning down the music.

He turned around and smiled. He grabbed me and kissed me. This man is so fine.

" What you doing here ". He said smiling at me.

" I missed you ". I said kissing his fine ass.

" Good you miss daddy ".

Chris POV

The way she looked at me I wanted to please her fine ass. This girl makes me feel something I never felt before.

" I heard about this school trip they taking y'all ". I said.

" Yeah I heard they letting freshmen go ". She said.

" Yeah, I signed Ro up for it ". I say putting her on the counter.

" And I decided to chaperone ". I added.

" Aww look at you ". She smiled.

" Yeah I think it'll be good for us ". I say.

" Are you going ". I asked.

" No they announced it so late and I want have the money by the deadline ". She say.

" Baby I can pay for you ". I said smiling.

" Chris no ".

" Why ".

" It's not your place to do that and plus Royalty wouldn't want me coming Chris ".

" Reese it is my place you my girl I give you whatever you want ". I said.

" Thank you but no ". She say.

" Well can I at least take you somewhere special when we get back ". I asked.

" I'll think about it ". She say smiling.

She held my face and kissed me and then my cheek.


Reese POV

I was watching tv in Chris bed when he walked in the room. He had serious face and he looked at me.

" I want to show you something ". He said.

I started to follow him downstairs and we went into the back and it was the door and it had passcode on it. He opened it and it was an office. On the right side wall it was a rack of guns and a cases of bullets.

" Chris what is this ". I asked.

" Come here ".

He sat in the chair and I sat on his lap and he logged into this computer. He started explaining everything to me and telling me everything.

" But why are you showing this to me ". I asked.

" Because you need to know this so you want be surprised ". He say.

Is it weird that all that he was telling me made him more attractive. He kissed me but his phone started to ring. He signaled me to get up and I went over to the gun rack and looked at them. I never been around a gun before and it made me feel unsafe. So I decided to sit on the couch he had. I felt myself dozing off as I was getting comfortable on the couch.

Chris POV

How the fuck does she fall asleep that fast. I admire her sleeping and I didn't want to wake her so I shut the door behind me and went into the kitchen. It was almost time for the meeting but it was going to be held in the living room.

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