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Reese POV

We reached our destination and of course I still didn't know where the hell we were.

" So where are we ". I asked.

We got off the jet and Chris grabbed my hand and looked at me.

" Welcome to New York ". He say.

New York? I always wanted to visit I dreamed of coming here when I was little. I used to watch movies based in New York and get jealous.

" Oh my gosh ". I say smiling at him.

" Why are we here ". I asked.

" I needed to handle some business and I wanted you to come with me ". He say.

I looked at him and looked at. Why is he doing this I'm supposed to be mad at him.

" Come on ".

He opened the car door for me and then got in. When he pulled off he grabbed me hand and held it.

" That shit that happened last week never happened ". He say.

" Nothing happened between us I promise ". He added.

" Who is she ". I asked.

" I used to mess around with her way back nothing serious ". He say.

" Oh ".


We pulled up to this house it was really nice. Chris got out and opened the door for me.

" Who's house is this ". I asked.

" Mine ".

He unlocked the door and the house was just beautiful something off the internet.

" Wow ". I say.

" You like it ". He asked.

" Yeah it's really nice ". I say.

" Let me take you on a date ". He say.

".........Ok ". I said.

" I'll have some people over to help you out ". He said smiling.

" That's fine ".

" Uh I have to go I'll be back in a couple of hours be ready ". He say.

" K ".

He left out the house and I looked around.


I don't know if this a glam squad or what but they did their thing tonight. I looked at myself and I looked good. Pretty to be exact.

" You look amazing ". Jenny say.

" Thanks ".

Chris POV

She better be ready I had to get ready at the shop real quick. I decided to take her to dinner on a boat. I grabbed the flowers an walked inside the house.

" REESE ". I yelled.

I heard the door opened and I saw her. Man she looked beautiful. The way the dress hugged her curves and she just glowed like a light in the dark.

" Damn ". I mumbled.

She smiled at me and I handed her the flowers.

" Their beautiful ". She say.

" Let's go ". I said taking her hand.


Reese POV

We were at dinner on a boat and the view was amazing. We had a private chef and jazz music playing.

" Chris this is amazing ". I said.

Why is he treating me like this. He makes me feel lucky and happy, something I've never felt before.

" All this is for you Reese you deserve all of this ". He said.

" I could never hurt you on purpose you mean way too much to me ". He added.

" Chris ".

" Here ". He said giving me this little black box.

" What is this ". I say opening the box.

It was a diamond ring with Chris name engraved in it.

" It's beautiful ". I mumbled.

Chris POV

I gave her the ring and she looked up at me and opened it.

" It's beautiful ". She mumbled I saw a tear come out her eye.

" Just for you baby ".

She put the ring on and and smiled.

" I love it ". She say smiling.


Dinner was over and Reese was tired so we went back to the house.

" Can you help me ". She asked.

" Yeah ".

I started to unzip the dress revealing her back.

Reese POV

This was literally the best night I've had in a long time. It had to end early I was really tired a little jet lagged and wanted to sleep.

" Can you help me ". I asked.

" Yeah ".

He got behind me and unzipped my dress I felt his hands on my waist. I took the dress off and I felt his warm breath on my neck it made chills go down my spine. Then his warm mouth touch my back. My body started to tingle as his kisses went down my spine. Everything he was doing it was amazing.

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