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Reese POV

We were helping my mom picking out studios and I was tired as hell. I just wanted to sleep and eat thats all.

" Stop being lazy ". Chloe say.

" Shut up ". I say.

" Mom just pick this one ". I added looking at the mirrors.

" No she has to pick the best one with a lot of room ". Nia say.

" Thank you Nia-bear ". Mom said.

" I'll be back ". Mom added.

She went into the back room and I looked at Nia and Chloe.

" I can't wait till everything is done ". Chloe says.

" Yeah something that'll keep her occupied and happy ". I said.

" Yes ".

" Still no word on Chris ". Nia asked.

" No but I think I'm going to ask my mom to drop me off ". I say.

" I just don't want to go over there unannounced ".

" Chris will be happy to see you ". Chloe said

" Hopefully ".

Chris POV

I needed time to myself I was pissed. I wanted to beat Royalty ass man I don't want to think about her and some little ass nigga. I told her I don't want her dating until she's ready and out of school I'm not asking for a lot. She has no respect for me no more and I'm tired of this shit. I know she wants me to pick her or Reese I'm not picking. Not about to let her ass control who I want to be with. I just needed to smoke that shit away.

I walked out the bathroom and went on my balcony and started rolling a blunt to smoke al this bullshit away.


Reese POV

After that long ass day helping my mom with her studio. Who knew opening up a business is a lot of work. I can tell she's super excited for this. But I heard that she and my dad are going to dinner tonight and she better tell me the tea after that damn dinner because ain't no way. My dad asked her for dinner and Rose is out of town for the week. It's none of my business it's none of my business.

I haven't heard from Chris and I don't want to just go over his house uninvited and it's kind of late.

" Make you're mind up ". My mom say.

" Should I you know it's late". I asked.

" Girl get out my car ". She said pulling up to his house.

I had her take me but I sat in the car thinking if we should leave or stay.

" I'll see you later ". I say.

" Be safe ".

" I love you ". She said.

" I love you too mom ". I say smiling. Hearing her say she loves me made me feel a million times better about myself.

I closed the door and in knocked on the door. Royalty opened it and she gave me this looked but smiled at me.

" Is your dad home ". I asked.

" Yep he isn't talking to me so maybe you'll get a few words out of him ". She say.

" Why what happened ".

" I don't know it came out of nowhere ". She says letting me in.

" Oh ".

I went up to Chris room. I opened the door and saw Chris on his balcony. I walked over to him and he looked up at me and smiled.

" Baby ".

" Hey ". I said.

I sat on on his lap facing him. He looked high as hell barely can keep his eyes open.

" You missed me huh ". He say.

" Yes ".

" I missed you too ". He grabbed my neck and kissed me and started feeling on me.

" No ". I say. He looked at me like I had five heads.

" I don't have my pills ". I say referring to my birth control pills.

" So ". He said still feeling on me. By that time his hand was in my leggings.

" Chr-Chris nooooo " I say through my moans.

" Reese it's ok we can afford a baby ". He said.

I know this nigga did not just say what the fuck I think he said.

" I'm playing baby ". He said kissing me.


Royalty POV

I decided to make breakfast for everyone just a nice thing to do. My auntie was helping me so it's the both of us.

" This smells really good ". Auntie say.

" Yes ".

My dad door opened and it was Reese. She had on this lace robe that stops above her knees.

" Morning ". She says to me.

" And you are ". Auntie said with an attitude.

" I'm Reese and you are ".

" Crystal ".

" I see Chris still has dipped his chip in something new ". She added.

" Umm ok....but Chloe said she dropped my pill off for me ". Reese asked.

" Yeah it's right here ". I say.

Wow she really has some good friends I would have said no.

" Thanks ".

" Welcome " I say.

Reese POV

Crystal was giving me a weird vibe and I knew she didn't like me. I don't know why but I knew she didn't at all. I was in the kitchen eating when Chris came downstairs. He came over and kissed me. I felt the tension between him and Royalty. He didn't say shit to her he didn't even eat her food. Just really awkward and weird right now.

" I see you met my sister Crystal ". Chris said.

" Yeah ". I say smiling.

Sister oh my gosh Chris and I knew she didn't like me.

" At least she's pretty ". She said.

Bitch what.

" Dad Char and I are going to this party ". Royalty asked.

" No ". Chris say.

" I wasn't asking you ".

" I know and I'm saying no ". Chris said.

" Why ".

" Because I said so ".

" Baby I'm about to leave you coming ". He added.

" Yeah

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